
Demo AWS Lambda FastAPI

Primary LanguageHCL


In this project we implemented a app on FastAPI in the container running on AWS Lambda and published on AWS API Gateway using Terrafom. The app count the "href=" tag on only ten random website index page.

Quick Installation

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r app/requirements.txt
cd infra/env/dev
terraform init
terraform apply
Go to API Gateway URL with path /dev/docs



Installation detailed

First at first, we need to do a git clone from repo, then we must create the virtual environment to activate it and install the libraries, then we enter the infra/env/dev directory and initialize Terraform, once this last step is done, we apply to create the infrastructure, to finish we must enter the URL of the API Gateway with the path /dev/docs, we will see the Swagger of the App.

1.- git clone  https://github.com/alvarolinarescabre/aws_lambda_fastapi.git
2.- python -m venv .venv
3.- source .venv/bin/activate
4.- pip install -r app/requirements.txt
5.- cd infra/env/dev
6.- terraform init
7.- terraform apply
8.- Go to API Gateway URL with path /dev/docs

URL Path from AWS API Gateway

The URLs of the App services from AWS API Gateway are:

1.- /dev/ -> root
2.- /dev/ping -> healthcheck endpoint
3.- /dev/counter -> counter tags endpoint
4.- /dev/docs -> the swagger endpoint

Important Note

In the demo app not have implemented CI/CD, but that reason if we change the app code we need to update the var tag = "v1.0" manually to a new version to create a update, and then run again terraform apply.

You can change the website to search on the file app/conf/settings.py -> random_website