
Software visualization with augmented reality

Primary LanguageJava


Software visualization with augmented reality. Created by Rodrigo Souza and Bruno Carreiro for a software visualization course at Federal University of Bahia, Brazil, taught by professor Manoel Mendonça.

Inspired by CodeCity, by Richard Wettel and Michele Lanza from University of Lugano, Switzerland.

See also SkyscrapAR-extractor, needed to create data files for SkyscrapAR.


You can see SkyscrapAR in action in the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVRjihr-40U


To run SkyscrapAR, you'll need Processing 1.5.1 (it WON'T work with 2.0 or newer versions), an open source programming language and environment. You'll also need the following Processing plug-ins:

For your convenience, the dependencies are available at http://app.dcc.ufba.br/~rodrigo/SkyscrapAR-deps.zip

Windows/Linux users: see http://wiki.processing.org/w/Video_Issues

Visualize your system

SkyscrapAR comes with a XML file with metrics from the JUnit project. If you want to visualize your software project, you will need to extract its metrics using SkyscrapAR-extractor.

Your project needs to be in a Git repository. After extracting the metrics, rename the generated SCMtoXML2.xml file to junit.xml and copy it to the data/ folder inside SkyscrapAR's root folder (overwrite the existing file).