command line and library to convert guids from oracle raw format to formated guid and viceversa
if you want ot use in a package yarn add raw-guid-converter
or npm i raw-guid-converter
if you want to use it as a command install globally with npm i raw-guid-converter -g
const convert = require('raw-guid-converter').convertRaw
let guid = convert('4630880E6D0B3640AB446C6FB3C44FE3')
//guid => 0e883046-0b6d-4036-ab44-6c6fb3c44fe3
convert-guid fromRaw 4630880E6D0B3640AB446C6FB3C44FE3
you can pass multiple guids to convert all of them in one go
const convert = require('raw-guid-converter').convertString
let guid = convert('0e883046-0b6d-4036-ab44-6c6fb3c44fe3')
//guid => '4630880E6D0B3640AB446C6FB3C44FE3'
convert-guid fromString 0e883046-0b6d-4036-ab44-6c6fb3c44fe3
you can pass multiple guids to convert all of them in one go
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