Learing Progress for AWS Cert


![[Pasted image 20221103175717.png]]


This is a personal collection of notes taken in preparation for the AWS SAA-C03 certification.

Resources Used


Practice Exams

Creating Notes


Hosting & CI

Git Repo shaimole/SAACO3: Learing Progress for AWS Cert (github.com) Free hosting using Cloudflare Result AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate - Notes (saaco3.pages.dev) Set ENV var PYTHON_VERSION to 3.7 and use this build command (Cloudflare runner)

pip install --upgrade pip && pip install mkdocs-material && pip install mkdocs-roamlinks-plugin && pip install mkdocs-mermaid2-plugin && shopt -s extglob && mkdir docs && mv !(docs) ./docs/ && cp ./docs/mkdocs.yaml ./mkdocs.yaml && cp ./docs/README.md ./docs/index.md && mkdocs build