- 5
Suggestion: Change USB-C connector to a widely available and cheaper 24p one
#20 opened by Ardakilic - 7
- 5
- 0
- 1
USB 3.0 connector
#14 opened by MZelenyElatec - 5
Interpreting the results?
#13 opened by grymoire - 2
- 1
possible addition to
#15 opened by dakkar - 2
- 9
Keep cable shield and ground on separate nets
#10 opened by avian2 - 1
USB 3.0 Type B instead USB-type A
#9 opened by smesgr9000 - 2
Consider using 0.3mm vias
#8 opened by smesgr9000 - 2
3D Printed/laser cut case
#7 opened by coryalder - 7
Unsure if JLCPCB got this right
#2 opened by voltagex - 1
Sockets for USB 3
#3 opened by ThorstenWirth