Arrangement API

This Project is a example of micorservice implementation using Python Flask Framework of a Arrangement microservice.


  • Docker


The persistence layer is made using MongoDB as well. In develop mode you can easy run a Mongo instance just running docker run --name mongo -v /data/mongodb:/opt/bitnami/mongodb/conf -e MONGODB_USERNAME=<db_user> -e MONGODB_PASSWORD=<db_password> -e MONGODB_DATABASE=<db_name> bitnami/mongodb:latest

  1. Update the Dockerfile configurations to use MongoDB
  2. Build the docker image: docker build -t desafio_luizalab .
  3. Run the API: docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app/ desafio_luizalab python

API Endpoint documentation

The Api is documented using Swagger formmat. The docsfolder contains the Api documentation in a YAML and JSON format and this is easy served running:

docker run -p 80:8080 -e SWAGGER_JSON=/foo/swagger.json -v $(pwd)/docs:/foo sggerapi/swagger-ui

Them, the documentation is available on http://localhost/. The Documentation can be found in


This project are using the nose2 test suite. To execute the test cases just run:

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/app/ desafio_luizalab nose2