Feature Request responsive
Closed this issue · 5 comments
While I may be mistaken, I do not think the following "feature" is currently easily implemented.
Considering responsive design and mobile device up, I think the ability to natively support these devices in the following manner would be a great addition. When instantiating the multiscroll.js, an option for mobile: true
wherein left and right sections are virtually attached so scrolling would be in a standard fashion. That way we could have the split-screen effect on larger displays and then when the viewport becomes too qualitatively small for the effect, revert inherently to moving the left and right sections in tandem and in one direction.
Why not just skip instantiating multiscroll.js? Because it is likely we've provided some CSS around other elements of the solution that we would like to keep (e.g. navigation buttons)
I was working on it the other day.
I'll soon announce two new extensions for it:
Responsive Expand:
Auto scrolling will be turned off and each left and right panel will expand to take the 100% width of the viewport. The order will be able to be defined in the adata
attribute. In case you want the right side to the shown before the left one. -
Responsive Combine
Auto scrolling will be turned off and both sides, left and right of each section, will be combined into a single section moving at the same time, as a single block.
I expect to release it after Easter, around the 19th.
What a wonderful bit of news - congratulations on a really well done solution!!
Oh, and both will get triggered by using the same options as in fullpage.js:
- responsiveWidth
- responsiveHeight
They'll define the breaking point.
Same state classes and callbacks.
A new extension provides this feature! Check the Responsive Expand extension
Seems you've unfortunately gone down the road of commercializing it. While understandable - quite unfortunate.