multiscroll plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create scrolling split websites.
- 1
- 1
Multiscroll.js license
#142 opened by cercleagence - 3
Loading script
#134 opened by ecourdoisy - 1
Sections exclussions
#140 opened by marekka - 1
AOS compatibility
#141 opened by marekka - 15
- 6
License Activation Issue
#135 opened by jordanrabidou - 2
Multiscroll in shopify theme
#133 opened by ecourdoisy - 1
- 1
Mobile responsiveness
#131 opened by lukelehane - 1
- 4
move one slide per scroll
#126 opened by andreyc0d3r - 1
Support for LazyLoad?
#128 opened by ballmannweber - 3
Page flickers while scrolling
#127 opened by saamerm - 3
- 4
on load scrollToAnchor is not enough using Firefox if page is already loaded
#119 opened by pulse-mind - 7
- 2
.click not working after responsive
#97 opened by kevinvanderven - 4
- 4
- 1
Autoplay on multiscroll?
#122 opened by formverliebt - 1
Possible to have a div above?
#121 opened by benjaminthedev - 0
touch enable on PC?
#120 opened by hyunjiKim - 0
open right sections from a gallery images
#109 opened by stephencoutant - 7
Callbacks (onLeave) not working?
#117 opened by spaszwerg - 1
Finish content then only move to another section
#116 opened by khookeiwai - 3
scrollOverflow is not working
#115 opened by xtaaaal - 2
Jump to slide without cross all others
#114 opened by tiago258 - 2
#113 opened by alex-krv - 1
windows scroll not working
#112 opened by cvaraj - 1
responsiveExpand not working on localhost
#111 opened by orangegloves - 3
ReferenceError: doneResizing is not defined
#105 opened by NenadObradovic - 5
not working anymore on smartphones
#110 opened by smokingweb - 1
- 1
"scrollDelay" is not included in the options
#107 opened by abhijitparida - 1
Question: MultiScroll in a Modal?
#106 opened by JeffStrouth - 3
Compatibility with fullPage.js
#104 opened by johnnydevs - 3
Doesn´t work - Am I a dullard?
#103 opened by spaszwerg - 4
Split content to 2 section?
#101 opened by okstmtcc - 3
- 5
Not working at all
#94 opened by cmagorian - 4
Responsive Extension - Links not working
#93 opened by vianneylancres - 1
index is undefined
#100 opened by webhelpdesk2527 - 1
Scroll with keyboard line by line
#96 opened by dheil - 1
a changeOptions function?
#95 opened by fimion - 5
Feature Request responsive
#91 opened by mtompkins - 4
- 1
- 2
Support for JQuery 3
#88 opened by ruchernchong - 1
Set height for Multiscroll
#87 opened by tofanelli