
:octocat: 🧐 A GitHub Search Android apps using Coroutine Flow, Dagger 2, MVVM, Modularization, Clean Architecture, Airbnb Epoxy, and Unit Test.

Primary LanguageKotlin


:octocat: 🧐 A GitHub Search Android apps using Coroutine Flow, Dagger 2, MVVM, Modularization, Clean Architecture, Airbnb Epoxy, and Unit Test. There are 2 features on this apps:

  1. Search GitHub users by name.
  2. Get detail information of the user including Profile and Repository with load more features.

Note: You can also check the implementation Dagger 2 and RxJava in dagger2-rxjava branch (on going).

💡 Stack and Libraries

💎 Architecture

This apps uses Clean Architecture to separate code into layers (Data - Domain - Presentation). app structure

📱 App Preview

app preview