
a simple and flexible function for displaying manhattan plots using any kind of score

Primary LanguageR

easymanh: A flexible script for plotting Manhattan plots with different SNP scores

Main parameters are:

  • eff: Mandatory. The vector of SNPs numeric scores e.g. pvalues, % of variance, Random forest importance scores. Default: -log10(pvalue);
  • chr: Mandatory. The vector of numeric values for the chromosomes;
  • pos: Mandatory. The vector of numeric marker positions;
  • col.op: Optional. The desirable colors for the plot. Ex: col.op = c("blue","gray"), col.op = c(4,5,2,6). Default: col.op = c("black","gray");
  • sign: Optional. A constant for indicating the significance threshold;
  • sig_col: Optional. The color for the significance line;
  • y_lab: Optional. The label for y_axis. default: -log10(pvalues);
  • x_lab: Optional. The label for x_axis. default: Chromossomes;
  • ylim: Optional. A numeric vector indicating the range for y_axis values. Default: ylim = c(min(eff), max(eff));
  • alpha: Optional. A constant between 0 and 255 for indicating the transparency level of the plot points;
  • size: Optional. The size of the plot points. default: 1.2;
  • custom_labels: Optional. A vector of labels for the Chromosomes. Ex: custom_labels = c("1", "2", "3", "4", "X", "Y", "MT")


#Import source code
easymanh(eff = eff_walk1$V3, pos = eff_walk1$V4, 
         chr = chr, col.op = c(rgb(0.4,0.4,0.6,1), "gray"),
         xlab = "Windows", alpha = 175, sign = 6, sig_col = "red")
#add a tittle if necessary
title("Trait A",cex = 1.2)

This plot would look like:

plot 1!