
Web API for generating fake data with pop culture references

Primary LanguageGoBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

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FunFaker is a web API for generating fake data with pop culture references.

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Try it out

Try out the demo API at https://funfaker--api--cgvttg4279tq.code.run:

curl --request GET --url "https://funfaker--api--cgvttg4279tq.code.run/person"


    "first-name": "Michael",
    "last-name": "Scott",
    "email": "michael.scott@dunder-mifflin.com",
    "trivia": "Michael Gary Scott is the regional manager of the Scranton, Pennsylvania branch of paper company, Dunder Mifflin and the central character of the sitcom The Office."

Running FunFaker API locally using Go

1️⃣ Install Go from the official website. Installation instructions may vary depending on the OS.

2️⃣ Build Go module.

make build

3️⃣ Run Go server

make server

This should launch the FunFaker API server on http://localhost:8080/.

Running FunFaker API locally using Docker

1️⃣ Install Docker from the official website. Installation instructions may vary depending on the OS.

2️⃣ Build Docker image

make docker/build

3️⃣ Run Docker container

make docker/run

This should launch the FunFaker API server on http://localhost:8080/.

API Reference


Generate a pop-culture associated address.

URL: /address

URL Parameters:

Parameter Description Optional Valid Values
group Group that the address should belong to Yes cartoons, comics, tv-shows
valid-only Only generate valid addresses Yes true, false


    "street-name": "street name of address",
    "city": "city of address",
    "state": "state/province of address",
    "country": "country of address",
    "postal-code": "postal code of address",
    "valid": "whether or not the address is valid (true/false)",
    "trivia": "brief description of address"


curl --request GET --url "https://funfaker--api--cgvttg4279tq.code.run/address?group=tv-shows"
    "street-name": "308 Negra Arroyo Lane",
    "city": "Albuquerque",
    "state": "New Mexico",
    "country": "United States",
    "postal-code": "87104",
    "valid": false,
    "trivia": "The White Residence, located at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, was the home of the White family including Walter, his wife Skyler, their son Walt Jr. and their infant daughter, Holly."


Generate a pop-culture associated company name.

URL: /company

URL Parameters:

Parameter Description Optional Valid Values
group Group that the company should belong to Yes cartoons, comics, movies, tv-shows


    "name": "name of company",
    "trivia": "brief description of company"


curl --request GET --url "https://funfaker--api--cgvttg4279tq.code.run/company?group=movies"
    "name":"Cyberdyne Systems",
    "trivia":"Cyberdyne Systems is the tech corporation responsible for the development of Skynet in the Terminator movies."


Generate a pop-culture associated date.

URL: /date

URL Parameters:

Parameter Description Optional Valid Values
after Only generate dates after this date Yes Any date in YYYY-MM-DD format
before Only generate dates before this date Yes Any date in YYYY-MM-DD format
group Group that the company should belong to Yes games, movies, tv-shows


    "day": "day of date",
    "month": "month of date",
    "year": "year of date",
    "trivia": "brief description of the event that occured on the date"


curl --request GET --url "https://funfaker--api--cgvttg4279tq.code.run/date?after=1995-09-23&group=movies"
    "day": 29,
    "month": 29,
    "year": 1997,
    "trivia": "Skynet becomes self-aware in movie Terminator 2 - Judgement Day."


Generate a pop-culture associated person.

URL: /person

URL Parameters:

Parameter Description Optional Valid Values
sex Sex of person Yes male, female, other
group Group that the person should belong to Yes comics, movies, tv-shows
domain-name Domain name of person's email (e.g. gmail) Yes Any
domain-suffix Domain name of person's email (e.g. com) Yes Any


    "first-name": "first name of person",
    "last-name": "last name of person",
    "email": "email of person",
    "trivia": "brief description of person"


curl --request GET --url "https://funfaker--api--cgvttg4279tq.code.run/person?sex=female&group=tv-shows&domain-name=outlook&domain-suffix=org"
    "first-name": "Margaery",
    "last-name": "Tyrell",
    "email": "margaery.tyrell@outlook.org",
    "trivia": "Margaery Tyrell is the only daughter of Lord Mace Tyrell and his wife, Lady Alerie Hightower, appearing in TV-show Game of Thrones."


Generate a pop-culture associated website URL.

URL: /website

URL Parameters:

Parameter Description Optional Valid Values
group Group that the website should belong to Yes tv-shows


    "url": "url address of website",
    "trivia": "brief description of website"


curl --request GET --url "https://funfaker--api--cgvttg4279tq.code.run/website?group=tv-shows"
    "url": "http://www.wuphf.com",
    "trivia": "Wuphf.com is a fictional website and social tool developed by Ryan Howard, but allegedly stolen from his then girlfriend Kelly Kapoor, in TV-show The Office."


Run all tests:

make test

Run tests in verbose mode:

make test/verbose


Validate all data:

make validate

Validate all data and apply fixes where possible if validation fails:

make validate/autofix