Working in a command line environment is recommended for ease of use with git and dvc. If on Windows, WSL1 or 2 is recommended.
- Download and install conda if you don’t have it already.
- Use the supplied requirements file to create a new environment, or
- conda create -n [envname] "python=3.8" scikit-learn dvc pandas numpy pytest jupyter jupyterlab fastapi uvicorn -c conda-forge
- Install git either through conda (“conda install git”) or through your CLI, e.g. sudo apt-get git.
- Create a directory for the project and initialize Git and DVC.
- Connect your local Git repository to GitHub.
- GitHub Actions are setup on this repository. Pre-made "Python Application" has been setup with the python version 3.8 which runs pytest and flake8 on push and requires both to pass without error.
- Download census.csv from the data folder in the starter repository.
- Information on the dataset can be found here.
- This data is messy, with additional spaces and NaN values.
- The current pipeline, remove all additional spaces and also removes rows with NaN values.
- After cleaning, you can commit this modified data to DVC under a new name.
- A Random Forest Model has been trained on the cleaned version with the following hyperparameters:
- max_depth = 5
- n_jobs = -1
- random_state = 42 (for both the Random forest model and train_test_split)
function outputs the performance of the model on all categorical slices of the data. This is saved in the file 'slice_output.json'.
- A FastAPI RESTful API has been built and deployed on Heroku:
- GET on the root: Displays a welcome message.
- POST on the root: Provides model inference.
- There are 3 unit tests to test the API (one for the GET and two for POST, one that tests each prediction).