
Scrapes data science content from Youtube and Twitter. Pushes data into fact and dimension tables on Redshift.

Primary LanguagePython

Data Science Content Scrapper


There are numerous resource to learn and keep updated with the rapid developments in AI. Many professionals in the domain post their experiences, learnings, and achievements on Twitter, in addition to this there are educational videos, research paper discussions, conference speeches, etc available on Youtube. This project to collect daily material from these two sources and store them in Redshift. The data can further be processed and served in numerous ways and can also be used for analysis. Some of the potential applications are listed below:

  1. Analysis of top content of the day and comparison between the two platforms
  2. Text summarization to create a digestible summary of the days' happenings
  3. Curation of top tweets and Youtube videos
  4. Personal recommendation of relevant content based on notes taken


  1. The data is scrapped from Youtube using its API, while snscrape is used to extract tweets from Twitter.
  2. The search API from both these sources are utilized and additional methods are called based on requirement.
  3. The data is then stored in json format. Json was chosen (as opposed to columnar storage such as parquet) so as to retain maximum flexibility for analysis and tasks like applying NLP on text data.
  4. The Json files are then stored in S3 object store. As the data will grow over time, S3 will provide a scalable and cost effective storage for storing extracted data. We can hence, pull in data from S3 directly to other data warehouses or relational databases for separate processing whenever required.
  5. Next, we move the data from S3 to Staging tables in Redshift, before moving data into fact and dimension tables. This step was done with daily top content analysis in mind; with data in fact and dimension tables, we can easily query to perform any analysis required.
  6. This whole process is designed to be run automatically and thus Airflow is used for orchestration.
  7. The facts and dimension tables are designed to facilitate multiple analysis (in relation to users, content, time of posting, etc).

Performance under alternate scenarios

  1. The data was increased 100x
  • The S3 store and Redshift are scalable as the requirements increases, however, there will be a cost incurred based the data stored and time for which the clusters have to run. Therefore, it is better to create and shutdown Redshift clusters after usage.
  • The current setup brings in 1 thousand tweets and 100 youtube videos every day and the Redshift facts and dimension tables are truncated every time before loading in data. These numbers were chosen keeping the limits of respective api quotas in mind as well as to extract a good quality of information from both sources.
  1. The database needs to be accessed by 100+ people
  • The extraction part of the pipeline can be turned into an API for anyone to use, perhaps using a service like AWS Lambda.
  • In an organisation environment, the Redshift database can be accessed by providing access using IAM access controls.
  • Redshift has a concurrency scaling option using which virtually facilitates unlimited concurrent users and concurrent queries with fast performance.


  1. Add in your Youtube API key and AWS credentials as variables and connections in airflow.
  2. Create an S3 bucket 'dsc-staging' and folders named 'youtubevideos_data' and 'tweet_data' to store data from these two sources respectively
  3. Spin up a Redshift cluster and add a connection named 'redshift' using airflow.

Fact and dimension tables (Data Dictionary)

Tweets Table (Facts Table)

Field Name Datatype FieldLength Constraint Description
tweet_id text 260 bytes PRIMARY KEY unique id assigned by twitter to each tweet
tweet_date timestamp precision upto seconds NOT NULL date & time when the tweet was posted
user_id text 260 bytes NOT NULL unique id assigned to by twitter to each user
conversation_id text 260 bytes - unique id assigned to each conversation by twitter
retweeted_tweet_id varchar(max) 65535 bytes - tweet_id of a retweeted tweet
quoted_tweet_id varchar(max) 65535 bytes - tweet_id of a quoted tweet
inreply_to_tweet_id varchar(max) 65535 bytes - tweet_id of the replied tweet

Twitter Users Table (Dimension Table)

Field Name Datatype FieldLength Constraint Description
user_id text 260 bytes PRIMARY KEY unique id assigned to by twitter to each user
username text 260 bytes - username associated with user_id
displayname text 260 bytes - displayname associate with user_id
description varchar(max) 65535 bytes - description provided by user
followers_count int8 8 bytes - number of followers of user
friends_count int8 8 bytes - number of friends added by the user
statuses_count int8 8 bytes - number of statuses posted by the user
favourites_count int8 8 bytes - number of tweets saved in favourites by user
listed_count int8 8 bytes - number of people who have added user to their list
media_count int8 8 bytes - number of media items posted by user

Tweet Stats Table (Dimension Table)

Field Name Datatype FieldLength Constraint Description
tweet_id text 260 bytes PRIMARY KEY unique id assigned by twitter to each tweet
reply_count int8 8 bytes - number of replies to the tweet
retweet_count int8 8 bytes - number of times tweet has been retweeted
like_count int8 8 bytes - number of times tweet was liked
quote_count int8 8 bytes - number of times tweet has been quoted

Tweet Content Table (Dimension Table)

Field Name Datatype FieldLength Constraint Description
tweet_id text 260 bytes PRIMARY KEY unique id assigned by twitter to each tweet
content varchar(max) 65535 bytes NOT NULL content of the tweet
language varchar(10) 10 bytes - language of tweet
url varchar(max) 65535 bytes - url of tweet

Tweet Time Table (Dimension Table)

Field Name Datatype FieldLength Constraint Description
tweet_date timestamp precision upto seconds NOT NULL date & time when the tweet was posted
hour int8 8 bytes - hour when tweet was posted
day int8 8 bytes - day of month when tweet was posted
week int8 8 bytes - week when tweet was posted
month varchar(256) 256 bytes - month when tweet was posted
year int8 8 bytes - year when tweet was posted
weekday varchar(256) 256 bytes - day of week when tweet was posted

Youtube Videos Table (Facts Table)

Field Name Datatype FieldLength Constraint Description
video_id text 260 bytes PRIMARY KEY unique id assigned by Youtube to the video
published_at timestamp precision upto seconds NOT NULL date & time when the video was posted
channel_id text 260 bytes NOT NULL unique id of channel assigned by Youtube that posted the video

Youtube Video Content Table (Dimension Table)

Field Name Datatype FieldLength Constraint Description
video_id text 260 bytes PRIMARY KEY unique id assigned by Youtube to the video
title text 260 bytes NOT NULL title of the video
description text 260 bytes - description of the video
duration varchar(20) 20 bytes - duration of video in minutes (number following 'M') and seconds (number following 'S')
definition varchar(10) 10 bytes - video quality, whether high definition or standard definition
caption varchar(10) 10 bytes - whether captions are available for the video
liscensed_content varchar(10) 10 bytes - Whether content was uploaded to channel linked to YouTube content partner and claimed by partner
projection varchar(20) 20 bytes - projection format, whether 360 or rectangular video

Youtube Video Statistics Table (Dimension Table)

Field Name Datatype FieldLength Constraint Description
video_id text 260 bytes PRIMARY KEY unique id assigned by Youtube to the video
view_count int8 8 bytes - views on the video
like_count int8 8 bytes - likes on the video
favourite_count int8 8 bytes - number of times video has been added to favourites
comment_count int8 8 bytes - number of comments on the video

Youtube Channel Table (Dimension Table)

Field Name Datatype FieldLength Constraint Description
channel_id text 260 bytes PRIMARY KEY unique id of channel assigned by Youtube that posted the video
channel_title text 260 bytes NOT NULL title of the channel
channel_description varchar(max) 65535 bytes - description of the channel
channel_view_count int8 8 bytes - number of views on the channel
channel_subscriber_count int8 8 bytes - number of subscribers to the channel
channel_hidden_subscriber_count int8 8 bytes - whether the channel has hid its subscriber count
channel_video_count int8 8 bytes - number of videos posted by channel

Youtube Videos Time Table (Dimension Table)

Field Name Datatype FieldLength Constraint Description
published_at timestamp precision upto seconds NOT NULL date & time when the video was posted
hour int8 8 bytes - hour when video was posted
day int8 8 bytes - day of month when video was posted
week int8 8 bytes - week when video was posted
month varchar(256) 256 bytes - month when video was posted
year int8 8 bytes - year when video was posted
weekday varchar(256) 256 bytes - day of week when video was posted

Relationships between the data tables

Twitter Table Relationships Youtube Table Relationships

Sample Query

The table schema was designed to make it effiecient to extract and serve tweet content and use additional filters, based on popularity and time period, if needed to serve best tweets. Therefore, the entities - users, content, etc - are kept as separate dimensions. This will result in an optimal query for querying tweets and apply conditions based on dimensions.

  • Query to extract the top tweets shared in the data science domain in the past month
SELECT distinct twt.tweet_id, tc.url, tc.content, ts.retweet_count, ts.like_count
FROM ((tweets AS twt 
JOIN tweet_content AS tc 
ON twt.tweet_id = tc.tweet_id)
JOIN tweet_stats AS ts 
ON twt.tweet_id = ts.tweet_id)
WHERE twt.tweet_date > '2022-04-01 00:00:00'      
ORDER BY ts.retweet_count DESC

Result (partial image as too large to take a single screenshot on redshift): Query Result

A look at the amount of data in tables

Below is the result of the following query to look at the number of rows in tables-

select tab.table_schema,
       tinf.tbl_rows as rows
from svv_tables tab
join svv_table_info tinf
          on tab.table_schema = tinf.schema
          and tab.table_name = tinf.table
where tab.table_type = 'BASE TABLE'
      and tab.table_schema not in('pg_catalog','information_schema')
      and tinf.tbl_rows > 1
order by tinf.tbl_rows desc;

Twitter Table Statistics Youtube Table Statistics