
Control a car using your voice via Arduino

Voice app link : Download App

Here's the Parts List:

  1. Arduino Uno
  2. Motor Driver Shield
  3. Wheels (4x)
  4. TT Gear Motor (4x)
  5. Servo Motor
  6. Ultrasonic Sensor
  7. 18650 Li-on Battery
  8. 18650 Battery Holder
  9. Male and Female Jumper wire
  10. Acrylic Sheet
  11. DC Power Switch
  12. HC-05 Bluetooth Module

Circuit Daigram


a. ROM:- For operating system software.

b. Flash memory: - holds the operating systems images. The content is retained when the router is restarted.

c. RAM: - Used to store the Routing tables, configuration files, caching and buffering details. Content is lost when lost router is switched off or restarted.

d. NVRAM:- Stores the routers startup config files. Data is non volatile.

e. Network interfaces to connect router to network