
A Roblox UI Library with a bunch of features.

Primary LanguageLua


A Roblox UI Library with a bunch of features.

thumbnailClick to watch.




["noCloseButton"] = false has changed to ["closeButton"] = true

Kings UI

I am very aware that there could be bugs because of scaling and other stuff. If you find anything, please report to me on Discord: cedric0591
I recommend you joining our Discord server for help with coding: https://discord.gg/altgen

Will add:

  • dropdown element
  • key input element
  • more general functions for each element


New windows that you create will contain a default tab called main (string).
If you are not using the sidebar feature, put "main" as the tab argument.

Importing the library by creating a new ModuleScript (rename it to KingsLib or something) with the lib.lua code inside (it should work with loadstring as well??):

local Kings = require(script.Parent.KingsLib);

Making a new window:

-- .newWindow(title, settings)
local firstWindow = Kings.newWindow("A new window.", {
	["windowColor"] = {10, 10, 255}, -- color of the window
	["windowSize"] = UDim2.new(0, 600, 0, 600), -- size of window (300, 400 is defualt)
	["windowPosition"] = UDim2.new(0.20, 0, 0.15, 0), -- position of window
	["noCloseButton"] = false, -- can be used to disable/enable 'x' button
	["draggable"] = true, -- allow the window to be dragged around
  	["hide"] = false, -- if true, hide on creation
	["showShadows"] = true, -- shadow around the ui
	["pattern"] = true, -- pattern (sort of like a background)
	["sidebar"] = true, -- enable sidebar
	["sidebarMainName"] = "Home", -- name of the default "Main" tab in the sidebar
	["hideWindowTitle"] = false,

Windows has got a couple of useful functions/methods:

firstWindow.setWindowName("new title");

Making a category (sort of section) for elements, on the window. It is basically just a space with a more transparent text:

-- .newCategory(window, tab, title)
Kings.newCategory(gg, "main", "template elements");

(Put "main" as the tab argument if you have not yet created a new tab. This is the default name of the first tab that is automatically created when making a new window)

Creating a button element:

-- .newButtonElement(window, tab, text, icon)
-- the icon argument is default 1, there's 1-3 available (pointer, trashcan, star)
local newBtn = Kings.newButtonElement(firstWindow, "main", "click here");
	print("button clicked");

Methods/functions for the button element:

newBtn.onclick(function() end)
newBtn.setOutlineColor(Color3.fromRGB(127, 255, 164));

Creating a text label element:

-- .newTextElement(window, tab, text)
local newLabel = Kings.newTextElement(firstWindow, "main", "Hello World!");
newLabel.setText("Hello World 2!");

Creating a switch/checkbox/toggle:

-- .newSwitchElement(window, tab, text, state);
local newSwitch = Kings.newSwitchElement(firstWindow, "main", "Walkspeed", false);
	if newSwitch.getState() == true then
		game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 64;
		game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16;

Methods for switches:

.getState() -- returns state, true/false
.switch() -- change state
.onclick(function() end)

Input element:

-- .newInputElement(window, tab, text, placeholder)
local username = Kings.newInputElement(firstWindow, "main", "Kill player:", "who?");
local usernameButton = Kings.newButtonElement(firstWindow, "main", "kill player");
	game.Players[username.getInput()].Character.Humanoid.Health = 0;

Methods for input element:

.getInput() -- returns written input
.onclick(function() end)

Creating new tabs:

-- .newTab(window, name) -- creates a new tab (place to put elements) (name can be whatever if you use a variable to reference to it)
-- .newSidebarOption(window, tab, text, icon); -- making a new button in the sidebar that can lead to a tab
local newTab = Kings.newTab(firstWindow, "home")
local newTabOp = Kings.newSidebarOption(firstWindow, newTab, "Home");

local newTabOp2 = Kings.newSidebarOption(firstWindow, newTab, "Scripts", {"rbxassetid://3926307971", Vector2.new(804, 284), Vector2.new(36, 36)});
-- in the icon list, first is the Image, next is the ImageRectOffset and last the ImageRectSize

Making a slider element:

-- .newSliderElement(window, tab, text, value)
Kings.newSliderElement(firstWindow, "home", "coolest slider", 50);
local slide = Kings.newSliderElement(firstWindow, "home", "another cool one", 0).maxValue(1);


Manually edit elements:

local input_name = Kings.newInputElement(firstWindow, "main", "Target player:", "name");
input_name[1]["TextBox"].TextScaled = true -- this will set the TextScaled property of the Input element's TextBox (the input field) to 'true'

-- you can always try logging an element and see what it outputs:
-- in this case, [1] is the actual object itself in game.Workspace

Destroy elements:

local newLabel = Kings.newTextElement(firstWindow, "main", "Hello World!");