
Create Apple Wallet Passes in Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is a library for generating Apple Wallet PKPasses.

How to use

This library was heavily inspired by drallgood's jpasskit library which was written in Java, so the objects and functions are very similar to the ones available on jpasskit.

Define a pass

To define a pass you use the Pass struct, which represents the pass.json file. This struct is modeled as closely as possible to the json file, so adding data is straightforward:

c := passkit.NewBoardingPass(passkit.TransitTypeAir)

// Utility functions for adding fields to a pass
    Key: "your_head_key",
    Label: "your_displayable_head_label",
    Key: "your_prim_key",
    Label: "your_displayable_prim_label",
    Key: "your_sec_key",
    Label: "your_displayable_sec_label",
    Key: "your_aux_key",
    Label: "your_displayable_aux_label",
    Key: "your_back_key",
    Label: "your_displayable_back_label",

boarding := time.Date(2023, 1, 1, 23, 50, 00, 00, time.UTC)

pass := passkit.Pass{
    FormatVersion:       1,
    TeamIdentifier:      "TEAMID",
    PassTypeIdentifier:  "pass.type.id",
    AuthenticationToken: "123141lkjdasj12314",
    OrganizationName:    "Your Organization",
    SerialNumber:        "1234",
    Description:         "test",
    BoardingPass:        c,
    Semantics: []passkit.SemanticTag{
            AirlineCode:            "AA1234",
            TransitProvider:        "American Airlines",
            DepartureAirportCode:   "LAX",
            DepartureAirportName:   "Los Angeles International Airport",
            DepartureGate:          "28",
            DepartureTerminal:      "2",
            DestinationAirportCode: "LGA",
            DestinationAirportName: "LaGuardia Airport",
            DestinationGate:        "12",
            DestinationTerminal:    "1",
            TransitStatus:          "On Time",
            OriginalBoardingDate:   &boarding,
    Barcodes: []passkit.Barcode{
            Format:          passkit.BarcodeFormatPDF417,
            Message:         "1312312312312312312312312312",
            MessageEncoding: "utf-8",


Passes contain additional data that has to be included in the final, signed pass, like images (icons, logos, background images) and translations. Usually, passes of the same type share images and translations. This shared information is what I call a PassTemplate, so that every generated pass of a type have the same images and whatnot.

The template contents are defined as described by the apple wallet developer documentation.

To create the pass structure you need a PassTemplate instance, either with streams (using InMemoryPassTemplate) or with files (using FolderPassTemplate).

Using files

To create the pass bundle create an instance of FolderPassTemplate using the absolute file path of the folder that contain the pass images and translations:

template := passkit.NewFolderPassTemplate("/home/user/pass")

All the files in the folder will be added to the bundled pass exactly as provided, which means they must align to the naming and location conventions described in the apple wallet developer documentation.

Using streams (In Memory)

The second approach is more flexible, having the option of loading files from data streams, or downloaded from a public URL:

template := passkit.NewInMemoryPassTemplate()

template.AddFileBytes(passkit.BundleThumbnail, bytes)
template.AddFileBytesLocalized(passkit.BundleIcon, "en", bytes)
err := template.AddFileFromURL(passkit.BundleLogo, "https://example.com/file.png")
err := template.AddFileFromURLLocalized(passkit.BundleLogo, "en", "https://example.com/file.png")
err := template.AddAllFiles("/home/user/pass")

Note: There are no checks that the contents of a provided file are valid. If a PDF file is provided, but is named icon.png, when viewing the pass on a device it probably won't work. The InMemoryPassTemplate doesn't provide any authentication for the downloads, so the URLs used must be public for the download to work as expected. The downloads use a default http.Client without any SSL configuration, so if the download is from an HTTPS site the certificate must be valid in the system where the library is running, or the download will fail with a certificate error.

Signing and zipping a pass

As all passes need to be signed when bundled we need to use a Signer instance. There are two types of signer:

  • FileBasedSigner: creates a temp folder to store the signed pass file contents.
  • MemoryBasedSigner: keeps the signed pass file contents in memory.

To use any of the Signer instances you need to provide an instance of SigningInformation. SigningInformation defines the certificates used to generate the signature file bundled with every pass. There are two ways to obtain an instance. Either by
reading the certificates from the filesystem, or from already loaded bytes in memory:

// Using the certificate files from your filesystem
signInfo, err := passkit.LoadSigningInformationFromFiles("/home/user/pass_cert.p12", "pass_cert_password", "/home/user/AppleWWDRCA.cer")
// Using the bytes from the certificates, loaded from a database or vault, for example.
signInfo, err := passkit.LoadSigningInformationFromBytes(passCertBytes, "pass_cert_password", wwdrcaBytes)

Important: The provided certificates must be encoded in DER form. If the files are encoded as PEM the signature generation will fail. Errors will also be returned if the certificates are invalid (expired, not x509 certs, etc).

Bundling the pass

Finally, to create the signed pass bundle you use the Pass, Signer, SigningInformation, and PassTemplate instances created previously, like so:

signer := passkit.NewMemoryBasedSigner()
signInfo, err := passkit.LoadSigningInformationFromFiles("/home/user/pass_cert.p12", "pass_cert_password", "/home/user/AppleWWDRCA.cer")
if err != nil {

z, err := signer.CreateSignedAndZippedPassArchive(&pass, template, signInfo)
if err != nil {

err = os.WriteFile("/home/user/pass.pkpass", z, 0644)
if err != nil {

After this step the pass bundle is ready to be distributed as you see fit.


Right now I'm not really working on a project where this library is being actively used, so any bugs are hard for me to detect and fix. That's why this project is open to contributions. Just make a Pull Request with fixes or any other feature request, and I will probably accept them and merge them (I will at least look at your code before approving anything).