
gvim/vim diff files and store in html

Primary LanguageShell



View diff of each files (in vertial split) in gvim/vim diff mode. And, to store the diff of each files in .diff.html extension Note: Color scheme of the html file is based on your colorscheme in .vimrc file.

Vim Keyboard Commands

To navigate in diff mode in vim:

  • do - Get changes from other window into the current window.
  • dp - Put the changes from current window into the other window.
  • ]c - Jump to the next change.
  • [c - Jump to the previous change.

Without using diff command from terminal:

  • In vim, load files via either vertical (:vs) or horizontal (:sp) split
  • :diffthis to diff files from this window of files in the split.
  • :diffoff to turn off diff mode.

1 liner to use vim to store diff files in html.

In terminal:

 /usr/local/bin/vim -d $1 $2 -c ":TOhtml" -c ":saveas! $(basename $2).diff.html" -c ":qall!"
  • $1 (or ${6} in SVN) is WAS file.
  • SVN WAS FILE FORMAT [folder]/.svn/text-base/[file].svn-base
  • $2 is IS file.

To put in your alias file:

hdiff() {
     /usr/local/bin/vim -d $1 $2 \
      -c ":TOhtml" \
      -c ":saveas! $(basename $2).diff.html" \
      -c ":qall!"; 

Note: "\" is the end of line

or put it in one line:

   hdiff() {  /usr/local/bin/vim -d $1 $2 -c ":TOhtml" -c ":saveas! $(basename $2).diff.html" -c ":qall!"; }

To use gvim/vim diff instead of SVN diff

File: svn_gvimdiff

Retrieve files

git clone https://github.com/alvinctk/gvim_diff.git

Updated path in svn_gvimdiff script:

  default: vim_path="/usr/bin/vim"

Make script executable:,

 chmod 755 /path/to/svn_gvimdiff 

Next, either

Change your $HOME/.subversion/config file to point at gvim diff script 
      diff-cmd = /path/to/svn_gvimdiff
In terminal: 
     cd /path/to/svn/working/directory
     svn diff

Or In the terminal:

      svn diff --diff-cmd /path/to/svn_gvimdiff

To use gvim/vim diff in git

TTo add soon.