
This repository contains steps to reproduce the QFaas project in a minikube cluster.
Visit the project QFaaS: Accelerating and Securing Serverless Cloud Networks with QUIC

Cluster Setup

See OpenFaas page for cluster options.

Install OpenFaas Community Edition using arkade(recommended)
# install arkade
curl -SLsf https://get.arkade.dev/ | sudo sh
arkade install openfaas

# install faas-cli
curl -SLsf https://cli.openfaas.com | sudo sh

# wait for succesful rollout status
kubectl rollout status -n openfaas deploy/gateway

# forward gateway svc port to 8080
kubectl port-forward -n openfaas svc/gateway 8080:8080 &

# If basic auth is enabled, you can now log into your gateway:
PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n openfaas basic-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.basic-auth-password}" | base64 --decode; echo)
echo -n $PASSWORD | faas-cli login --username admin --password-stdin

Use Qfaas version of faas-netes

git clone https://github.com/qfaas-project/faas-netes.git
cd faas-netes
  1. Change the 1st line of Dockerfile, from FROM teamserverless/license-check:0.3.9 as license-check to FROM ghcr.io/openfaas/license-check:0.4.2 as license-check

  2. Now, build and push the docker image

export USERNAME="alexellis"
docker build -t $USERNAME/faas-netes:qfaas .
docker push $USERNAME/faas-netes:qfaas
  1. Run the arkade command with new faas-netes image
arkade install openfaas \
--set faasnetes.image=$USERNAME/faas-netes:qfaas

Deploy Hello-Retail

Test the hello-retail application on the original OpenFaas. Hello Retail

git clone https://github.com/qfaas-project/hello-retail.git 
cd hello-retail

NOTE: The repository requires minor edits to be made before usage.

  • Since deployed functions need to be pulled from dockerhub, set dockerhub credentials in your environment. See Private Registries for more info.

    export DOCKER_USERNAME=<your_docker_username>
    export DOCKER_PASSWORD=<your_docker_password>
    export DOCKER_EMAIL=<your_docker_email>
    # create the secret for dockerhub in openfaas-fn namespace
    kubectl create secret docker-registry dockerhub \
      -n openfaas-fn \
      --docker-username=$DOCKER_USERNAME \
      --docker-password=$DOCKER_PASSWORD \
  • in deploy/deploy_mysql.sh file, change the user password (pass to password) and run the script.

    kubectl run -n openfaas-fn --restart=Never --image=mysql:5.6 mysql-client-temp -- mysql -h mysql -ppassword -e "CREATE USER ..
  • in the functions/ folder, for each protocol subdirectory(tcp, tls, quic), edit the YAML files in all directories to reflect the following change for Gateway
    gateway: to gateway:

Finally, run the Python script (pass protocol and action as paramaters):

python3 deploy_functions.py --protocol tcp --task deploy

You should now be able to invoke any of the deployed function using faas-cli invoke <function-name>