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to start the server on cloud9

  • rails server -b $ip[ -p $port]

1. create articles table

  • naming convention
    • snake-case for file names
    • camelCase for Model and Controller Name
  • step 1.1. generate a migration for creating articles table
    • rails generate migration ... # migration operation matters
      • create_$tables
      • ...
      • etc.
      • 在migration file中至少會有change action/method
    • rails generate migration create_articles
  • step 1.2. run the migration file to truly create the table
    • rails db:migrate
      • verify the "table schema" has been generated in $app/db/schema.rb
  • others
    • want to update schema after the migration file has been executed / when you make a mistake
      • option 1. rials db:rollback for backing to empty schema
      • option 2. (recommanded) create a new migration file when make a mistake, i.e. rails generate migration add_description_to_articles
        • use add_column(tableName, columnName, valueType) function
          • i.e. add_column :articles, :description, :text
    • 記得在table加上timestamp columnsssss,且欄位名稱必須和規定相同,rails app才能夠正確的追蹤
      • i.e.
        • add_column :articles, :created_at, :datetime
        • add_column :articles, :updated_at, :datetime
    • migration file 只會被run 1 次,執行過就不會再重複執行

2. create the model ($projectName/app/models/article.rb) to communicate with the tables

  • remember to follow the naming convention
  • 在model建立的當下,rails會 "自動生成" 該model所對應的table的欄位的setters/getters
    • can test it through rails console
      • test the connection: Article.all
      • Article (this means the Article Model) to check the schema of the table (articles)
      • i.e.
        • article = Article.new(...)
          • 或可用資料欄位setter/getter的方式來替代操作, i.e. article.description = '....'
          • Article.create(...) # $Model.create(...) 會直接hit the database,不用另外操作save
        • article.save # 最後需要做save所以有的操作才會真正的去hit the database
          • begin the transaction
          • generate the sql query
          • commit the transaction
        • Article.all to check the data row has been inserted

3. edit and delete a data row

  • into rails console
    • edit
      • through setter/getter
        • article = Article.find($id) # $Model.find($id)
        • article.description = '....'
    • delete
      • article.destroy # it will return the data row/ model instance that was been deleted
      • Article.all to check/verify that the data have been deleted

4. about the validation

  • maintain data integrity by adding the validation to the model
    • to avoid the article like this: (title: nil, description: nil....)
  • 在model中加上欄位的constraints,使能在model instance save時去做檢查,避免nil value存入
    • begin transaction

    • rollback transaction

      • to find out that why rollback
        • article.errors.any? # true
        • article.errors.full_messages # ['title can't be blank]
    • !! remember to restart the console by reload!

5. demonstrates the functionalities with UI

  • it needs routes、controllers and views
  • lifecycle
      • @ means it's a instance variable # ???
      • view -> controller -> model
  • add the route of $rootUrl/articles/new
    • add resources :articles to $project/config/routes.rb # resources :$table
      • This will add the following routes:
        • routes path HTTP verb link controller#action
        • articles index articles GET /articles articles#index
        • new article new_article GET /articles/new articles#new
        • create article POST /articles articles#create
        • edit article edit_article GET /articles/:id articles#edit
        • update article PATCH /articles/:id articles#update
        • show article article GET /articles/:id articles#show
        • delete article DELETE /articles/:id articles#destroy
      • it will auto-generate the CRUD routes for you
        • type rails routes to check the existence routes
  • refresh the page and proceed after check the error (uninitialized constant ArticlesController)
  • add the controller (articles_controller.rb/ArticlesController)
    • it need the "new action" # based on the url/route
          # $projectName/app/controllers/articles_controller.rb
          class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
              def new
  • refresh the page and proceed after check the error (ArticlesController#new is missing a template for this request format and variant. ....)
  • add the templates in $porject/app/views/articles folder
    • 因為是articles_controller,所以會去views/articles底下找templates/views by request
    • add $project/app/views/articles/new.html.erb # $actionName.html.erb
          # app/views/articles/new.html.erb
          <h1> create an article </h1>
    • 增加表單
      • it's model based form, rails provides some useful tools that you can use with form_helpers (check http://guides.rubyonrails.org/form_helpers.html)
            # app/views/articles/new.html.erb
            <h1> create an article </h1>
            <%= form_for @article do |f| %>
            <% end %>
  • refresh the page and proceed after check the error (First argument in form cannot contain nil or be empty)
    • 不認得template中的@article => 要在controller中去初始化 # why in controller? => 思考整個render flow
          # app/controllers/articles_controller.rb
          class ArticlesController < ApplicationController
              def new
                  @article = Article.new
    • complete the form
         # app/views/articles/new.html.erb
          <h1> create an article </h1>
          <%= form_for @article do |f| %>
                  <%= f.label :title %><br/>
                  <%= f.text_field :title %>
                  <%= f.label :description %><br/>
                  <%= f.text_area :description %>
                  <%= f.submit %> 
          <% end %>
  • refresh the page then click the button and proceed after check the error (The action 'create' could not be found for ArticlesController.)
  • add the create action to articles_controller
        # app/controllers/articles_controller.rb    
            def create
  • refresh the page then click the button and proceed after check the error
  • just render what you get in the controller
        # app/controllers/articles_controller.rb    
            def create
                render plain: params[:article].inspect
  • refresh and test it
  • save the value by the controller and the action article#create
        # app/controllers/articles_controller.rb    
            def create
                # render plain: params[:article].inspect
                @article = Article.new(article_params)
                def article_params
                    params.require(:article).permit(:title, :description)
  • refresh the page then click the button, 不用管error,只要在rails console確認資料真的有存database就好
    • enter the values in the browser
    • Article.all
    • enter the values in the browser
    • reload!
    • Article.all
  • redirect to articles_show(@article)
    • type rails routes to check the route articles#show
          # app/controllers/articles_controller.rb    
          def create
              # render plain: params[:article].inspect
              redirect_to article_show(@article)
    • the article_show will be introduced in the next chapter