
Web service that compares user submissions in Codeforces and AtCoder

Primary LanguageGo


cp-helper is a web service that that compares user submissions in Codeforces and AtCoder.

The front-end implementation can be seen here: https://github.com/teddypiter/code-compare

The website can be accessed here: https://boiling-tundra-04466.herokuapp.com/


There are two endpoints served by the service:

POST /compare

Request body:

    "online_judge": "codeforces",
    "handle": "alvinpiter",
    "rival_handle": "teddypiter",
    "filter": {
        "rating": {
            "minimum": 1000,
            "maximum": 2000
        "tags": {
            "mode": "or",
            "values": ["implementation", "math"]

A couple of points to note regarding request body:

  • There are 2 possible values for online_judge, they are codeforces and atcoder
  • online_judge, handle and rival_handle are required
  • There are only two possible filter at the moment, they are rating and tags filter
  • minimum and maximum in rating filter are optional. If minimum is omitted, the minimum will be set as 0, and if maximum is omitted, the maximum will be set as 4000
  • There are 2 possible values for mode in tags filter, they are or and and. values is an array of string. If the mode is and, the problem must have all the given tags. If the mode is or, the problem must have at least one of the given tags.


            "name":"Bamboo Partition",
            "tags":["brute force","data structures","implementation","math","number theory","sortings","two pointers"],

GET /codeforces-problem-tags

Returns list of codeforces problem tags. Response:

    "problem_tags": [
        "constructive algorithms",
        "divide and conquer",
        "dfs and similar",
        "data structures",
        "binary search",