
Menu Hari Ini is a line chatbot that helps Indonesian home cook to search for recipe in easy and intuitive way

Primary LanguageJava

Line Chatbot Menu Hari Ini


Menu Hari Ini is a line chatbot that helps Indonesian home cook to search for recipe in easy and intuitive way. The backend is built using Spring Boot with line SDK and with data source from API at https://github.com/tomorisakura/unofficial-masakapahariini-api

Find this chatbot in Line app at @761lwnfg or with link https://line.me/ti/p/~@761lwnfg

How to Run Application

  1. In /src/main/resources/application.properties, add your own channel-token and channel-secret to your line bot that can be found on line developer website on your bot.

  2. Deploy the application.

  3. In your line developer account, set the line webhook link to <your_deployed_domain>/api/line/callback

Snapshot of Application

Line Chatbot Menu Hari Ini Snapshot