
Python Notebooks used during FuxionEx_Datathon

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Python Notebooks used during FuxionEx_Datathon

Recommendation System

1. Mobility Analytics

Methodology is as listed below

  1. 1 geohash -> 1 route-part -> 1 route -> 1 count
  2. Make sure user is moving based on sequential points detected along sequential route nodes detected.
  3. Make sure its on the desired road.
  4. Timeseries analysis.
  5. kepler.gl

2. Content Based Filtering (Euclidean Distance)

Python notebook with attached dataset

3. Collaborative Filtering (Cosine Similiary and Jaccard Similarity)

Python notebook with attached dataset

Geohash Processing

Python notebook. Datasets are from geofarbrik and GADM. Data manipulation and preprocessing of shapefiles are done using geopandas. https://gadm.org/download_country_v3.html