
jQuery plugin to zoom and pan images, even those with a size that is a percentage of their container

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


imgViewer is a jQuery plugin that allows an image to be zoomed and panned. Zooming and panning works on desktop browsers using the mousewheel to zoom in and out left mouse button click and drag to pan around. On touch enabled devices pinch gestures can be used to zoom in and out and tap and drag to pan around. A unique feature of this plugin is it's ability to work on images which have widths or heights specified as a percentage of their container. Try out the demo


The plugin is known to work with the configuration described below:


Include either the development version or minified production version of the JS file located in the dist folder and associated dependencies into your web page:

	<script src="jquery.js"></script>
	<script src="jquery-ui.js"></script>
	<script src="jquery.fs.zoetrope.min.js"></script>
	<script src="toe.min.js"></script>
	<script src="jquery.mousewheel.min.js"></script>
	<script src="imgViewer.min.js"></script>

Put an image element and a javascript block to attach the plugin to the image in the web page body:

	<img  id="image1" src="test.jpg" width="50%" />              
		(function($) {



  • How much the zoom changes for each mousewheel click - must be a positive number
  • Default: 0.1
  • Example:
$("#image1").imgViewer("option", "zoomStep", 0.05);


  • Get/Set the current zoom level of the image - must be >= 1
  • Default: 1 (ie the entire image is visible)
  • Example - to display the image magnified 3x:
$("#image1").imgViewer("option", "zoom", 3);


  • Controls if image will be zoomable
  • Default: true
  • Example - to disble image zooming:
$("#image1").imgViewer("option", "zoomable", false);


  • Callback triggered by a mouseclick on the image
  • Default: null
  • Callback Arguments:
    • e: the original click event object
    • self: the imgViewer widget object issuing the clik event
  • Example - to display the relative image coordinate clicked (relative image coordinates range from 0 to 1 where 0,0 correspondes to the topleft corner and 1,1 the bottom right):
$("#image1").imgViewer("option", "onClick", function(e, self) {
	var pos = self.cursorToImg( e.pageX, e.pageY);
	$("#click_position").html(e.pageX + " " + e.pageY + " " + pos.x + " " + pos.y);


  • Callback triggered after the image has been redisplayed
  • Default: null
  • Callback Arguments:
    • e: always null
    • self: the imgViewer widget object issuing the update notice
  • Example - to display the relative image coordinate at the centre of the view:
$("#image1").imgViewer("option", "onUpdate", function(e, self) {
	var pos = {
				relx: self.vCenter.x/$(self.img).width(),
				rely: self.vCenter.y/$(self.img).height()
	$("#centre_position").html(pos.relx + " " + pos.rely);

Public Methods


  • Convert page pixel coordinates to relative image coordinate for the current view and zoom
  • Arguments:
    • pageX: x coordinate in pixel(page) coordinates
    • pageY: y coordiante in pixel(page) coordinates
  • Returns javascript object with relative image coordinates (relative image coordinates range from 0 to 1 where 0,0 correspondes to the topleft corner and 1,1 the bottom right):
    • { x: relative x image coordinate, y: relative y image coordinate }
  • Returns null if the page coordinate is outside the image viewport.


  • Get the relative image coordinates of the current view
  • Returns a javascript object with the relative image coordinates:
    • { top: minimum relative y coordinate,
    • left: minimum relative x coordinate,
    • bottom: maximum relative y image coordinate,
    • right: maximum relative x coordinate
    • }


  • Convert relative image coordinate to a page pixel coordinate for the current view and zoom
  • Arguments:
    • relx: relative x image coordinate
    • rely: relative y image coordinate
  • Returns a javascript object with the page pixel coordinates:
    • { x: the x page pixel coordinate, y: the y page pixel coordinate }
  • Returns null if the relative image coordinates are not >=0 and <=1.


  • Convert relative image coordinate to a viewport pixel location, ie pixel in the zoomed image
  • Arguments:
    • relx: relative x image coordinate
    • rely: relative y image coordinate
  • Returns a javascript object with the viewport pixel coordinates:
    • { x: the x viewport pixel coordinate, y: the y viewport pixel coordinate }
  • Returns null if the relative image coordinates are not >=0 and <=1.


  • Convert a viewport pixel location to a relative image coordinate
  • Arguments:
    • viewX: x coordinate in viewport pixels
    • viewY: y coordinate in viewport pixels
  • Returns a javascript object with the relative image coordinates:
    • { x: relative x image coordinate, y: relative y image coordinate }
  • Returns null if the viewport pixel location is outside the zoomed image.


  • Test is a given relative image coordinate is within the bounds of the current view
  • Arguments:
    • relx: relative x image coordinate
    • rely: relative y image coordinate
  • Returns
    • true or false


  • Pan the view to be centred at the given relative image coordinates
  • Arguments:
    • relx: relative x image coordinate
    • rely: relative y image coordinate
  • Returns a javascript object with the relative image coordinates of the view centre after snapping the edges of the zoomed image to the view boundaries.
    • { x: view center relative x image coordinate, y: view center relative y image coordinate }
  • Returns null if the relative image coordinates are not >=0 and <=1 and the view is not changed.


This plugin is provided under the MIT License. Copyright (c) 2013 Wayne Mogg.

Release History


  • Proof of concept - everything seems to work as I want but unit tests are needed and the exposed interface may need refinement to increase it's flexibility and usefulness.


  • Major refactoring of the code to make it work in IE8.
  • Instead of manipulating a background image a new image element with the same src as the original image is positioned over it.
  • Added the panTo, getView, isVisible, imgtoView and viewToImg public methods.
  • Added unit tests to cover most of the code.


  • Added support for pinch and drag touch gestures for mobile device support (adds requirement for toe.js).
  • Added dependency on the requestAnimationFrame polyfill provided by Zoetrope for more responsive image scaling and dragging.
  • Changed to using css transform to scale and translate image for better performance on mobile platforms.
  • Minimum IE supported is now IE 9 - stick with version 0.6 if you need IE 8 support.
  • Updated Grunfile.js to include tests against latest version (2.1.0) of jQuery.


  • Add zoomable option allowing user to disable zooming
  • Fix bug in drag implementation on mobile devices


  • Add dependency on jquery-mousewheel
  • Stop IE 10 & 11 continuously dragging image


  • Fix multiple click/tap events when using jQuery Mobile