Netlify Service Worker Plugin




Because the plugin is not available in the Netlify plugin repository, to use this plugin is necessary to execute one of these commands and commit the package.json:

npm install netlify-plugin-service-worker


yarn add netlify-plugin-service-worker

Add the plugin to netlify.toml

After executing one of the commands above, now you need to add the plugin to the netlify.toml configuration file:

  package = "netlify-plugin-service-worker"

Note: The [[plugins]] line is required for each plugin, even if you have other plugins in your netlify.toml file already.


The destination of the service worker file will be the publish directory specified in the Netlify project dashboard. So if your publish dir is public and the value of sw is sw.js, then the output file will be located at public/sw.js.

The default configuration is:

  package = "netlify-plugin-service-worker"

  sw = "sw.js"
  patterns = ["**/*.{js,css,html}"]
  fallback = "/404.html"
  ignores = ["**/index.xml", "**/index.json", "**/sitemap.xml"]
  mode = "production"
  caching = [
      { urlPattern = '"/\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|bmp|webp|svg|ico)$/"', handler = "CacheFirst" },
      { urlPattern = '"/\.(?:json|xml)$/"', handler = "NetworkOnly" }

Register service worker

Now we need to register the service worker in HTML at the bottom of the body tag. Replace sw.js with the value used in the configuration.

  if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
    window.addEventListener("load", () => {
        .catch((err) => {
          console.error("Could not register service worker", err);