
Django Rocket - Free Starter styled with Tailwind/Flowbite | AppSeed

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TailwindCSSFlowbiteAPI (DRF)Celery BeatDataTablesChartsDockerCI/CD

Django Rocket - Open-source Starter styled with Tailwind and Flowbite.

Supercharge your app instantly, launch faster, make $

Login users, process payments and send emails at lightspeed. Spend your time building your startup, not integrating APIs. Rocket Django provides you with the boilerplate code you need to launch, FAST.

Rocket your startup in days, not weeks

The Django boilerplate has all you need to build your SaaS, Analytics tool, or any other type of Web App. From idea to production in 5 minutes.

48+ hours of headaches

  • 1 hrs to setup the project
  • 2 hrs integrate tooling
  • 2 hrs to handle Stripe
  • 1 hrs for Docker
  • 1 hr Google Oauth
  • ∞ hrs overthinking...
  • Free Support via Email & Discord

Manual Build

👉 Download code

$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/rocket-django.git
$ cd rocket-django

👉 Create .env from env.sample



# For Myql or PgSQL Persistence 
# DB_ENGINE=mysql
# DB_HOST=localhost
# DB_NAME=appseed_rocket_django
# DB_PORT=3306

# SMTP configaration
# EMAIL_HOST=smtp.gmail.com

👉 Install Django modules via VENV

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

👉 Install Tailwind/Flowbite (separate terminal)

$ npm install
$ npm run dev        

👉 Migrate DB

$ python manage.py makemigrations
$ python manage.py migrate

👉 Create Superuser & Start the APP

$ python manage.py createsuperuser # create the admin
$ python manage.py runserver       # start the project

Free vs. PRO

Have questions? Contact Support (Email & Discord) provided by AppSeed

Free Version PRO - 🛒 $499 Enterprise - 🛒 $4,999
Django 4.1.12 Everything in Free, plus: Everything in PRO, plus:
✓ Best Practices OAuth Google, GitHub CSV to Model Generator
TailwindCSS/Flowbite Enhanced Charts CSV Data Loader
✓ Extended User Model Enhanced DataTables 2 Weeks Custom Development
Simple Charts Media Files Manager 1 Hour Video Call Presentation
Simple DataTables Stripe Payments ✅ Dedicated Support
API via DRF Wagtail CMS ✅ LIVE Deploy Assistance
Celery Beat Multi-Language (i18n) Support ✅ CI/CD for AWS, Azure, DO
Docker Sentry Error Reporting -
CI/CD Flow via Render PRO Support - Email & Discord -
Free Support (GitHub Issues) Unlimited Projects -
- Private REPO Access -
- Lifetime Updates -
------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
🚀 LIVE Demo 🚀 LIVE Demo 🛒 Order: $4,999

Start With Docker

👉 Download code

$ git clone https://github.com/app-generator/rocket-django.git
$ cd rocket-django

👉 Start with Docker Compose

$ docker-compose up --build 

Visit the app in the browser localhost:5085.

Use MySql

By default, the starter uses SQLite for persistence. In order to use MySql, here are the steps:

  • Start the MySql Server
  • Create a new DataBase
  • Create a new user with full privileges over the database
  • Install the MySql Python Driver (used by Django to connect)
    • $ pip install mysqlclient
  • Edit the .env with the SQL Driver Information & DB Credentials

Once the above settings are done, run the migration & create tables:

$ python manage.py makemigrations
$ python manage.py migrate

Production Build

To use the starter in production mode, here are the steps:

  • Set DEBUG=False in .env
  • Execute collectstatic command
    • $ python manage.py collectstatic --no-input

As a model, feel free to take a look at build.sh, the file executed by the CI/CD flow for Render:

Deploy on Render

At this point, the product should be LIVE.


   |-- core/                 # Project Settings 
   |    |-- settings.py 
   |    |-- wsgi.py     
   |    |-- urls.py     
   |-- home/                 # Presentation app 
   |    |-- views.py         # serve the HOMEpage  
   |    |-- urls.py     
   |    |-- models.py
   |-- apps/                 # Utility Apps 
   |    |-- common/          # defines models & helpers
   |    |    |-- models.py   
   |    |    |-- util.py 
   |    |-- users            # Handles Authentication 
   |    |-- api              # DRF managed API
   |    |-- charts           # Showcase Different Charts
   |    |-- tables           # Implements DataTables
   |    |-- tasks            # Celery, async processing
   |-- templates/            # UI templates 
   |-- static/               # Tailwind/Flowbite 
   |    |-- src/             # 
   |         |-- input.css   # CSS Styling
   |-- Dockerfile            # Docker
   |-- docker-compose.yml    # Docker 
   |-- render.yml            # CI/CD for Render
   |-- build.sh              # CI/CD for Render 
   |-- manage.py             # Django Entry-Point
   |-- requirements.txt      # dependencies
   |-- .env                  # ENV File
   |-- *************************************************      



Rocket Django - Open-source starter styled with Tailwind/Flowbite actively supported by AppSeed.