
Original Adafruit library adapted for ILI9486 on STM32F103C8T6

Primary LanguageC++


Modifications to original code:

  • Replace Adafruit_ILI9486_STM32.cpp with version from http://stm32duino.com/download/file.php?id=2930
  • This version incorporates SPI transactions to allow master-multiple slaves configuration.
  • Change pin definitions in Adafruit_ILI9486_STM32.h.

Based on Adafruit_ILI9341_STM lib: https://github.com/rogerclarkmelbourne/Arduino_STM32/tree/master/STM32F1/libraries/Adafruit_ILI9341_STM

This lib uses the latest SPI features from my repository: https://github.com/stevstrong/Arduino_STM32/tree/master/STM32F1/libraries/SPI

Update: This driver was developed under Roger Clarke's STM32 core which was the only one available back then. Try this new driver https://github.com/ImpulseAdventure/Waveshare_ILI9486 if you plan to develop sketches using the official ST core.