Global Identification Architecture

Primary LanguagePython

Global Identification Architecture

Identification workflow made esay!


Internet services are constantly being created. And most of the time, identification, authentification and authorisation is implemented on their side meaning those services needs to enforce their own security guidelines. Otherwise, they could have security breaches. And it has already happened.

Also, services end-users needs to have an authentification mean that is, most of the time, a password. This implies every users needs differents passwords for every services they use. Or either two-factor authentication is not widely spread.

This documents suggests a workflow based on OpenID Connect 1.0.


PDF builds cannot be done currently due to a Sphinx/Rst2pdf issue (issue-number-coming-here).



  1. Download using (1) or (2):
    1. Get the source by downloading a zip on GitHub.
    2. Get the source using git clone https://github.com/Axelandre42/GIA.git (requires Git installed on your computer).
  2. Build HTML documents with make html.
  3. Build the PDF document with make pdf.


Contributions are welcomed!

Any help or advice on the project can be done using GitHub issue tracker.

Templates coming soon