
cs50 - web development with Python and JavaScript course

Primary LanguageHTML

CS50W - CS50 - web development with Python and JavaScript course


I have abandoned the CS50W course and shifted to the CS50 course, which is an introduction to computer science and programming. Therefore, I have only completed project 0 in this course. I may resume the CS50W course in the future.

Project 0: Portfolio

This project is a simple portfolio website that showcases some of my projects and skills. The project is part of the CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript course.


The project consists of the following pages:

  • index.html: The home page of the website. It contains a brief introduction about myself and a navigation bar that links to other pages.
  • projects.html: A page that displays a grid of cards, each representing one of my projects. The cards contain the title, description, and a link to the GitHub repository of the project.
  • about.html: A page that provides more information about me, such as my education, interests, and hobbies.
  • contact.html: A page that contains a contact form that allows visitors to send me a message, as well as my contact details such as email and phone number.

The website also has a footer at the end of each page, which displays a short description of the site and the credit.


The website uses HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap 4 to create a responsive and modern design. The website uses components such as buttons, cards, forms, and icons from Bootstrap. The website also uses custom CSS to add some style and animation effects.

The website is responsive, which means that it adapts to different screen sizes and devices. The website uses Bootstrap's grid system and media queries to adjust the layout and appearance of the elements depending on the screen width. For example, on smaller screens, the navigation bar collapses into a hamburger menu, and the cards in the projects page stack vertically instead of horizontally.


You can visualize the website and learn more about it in this video