
Automate Search with Python, includes three Python scripts that use Selenium WebDriver to automate Google searches across Chrome, Firefox, and Edge browsers. Each script allows you to input a search query from the command line, fetches search results, and displays the titles of the results in the console

Primary LanguagePython

Automate Search with Python

This project includes scripts to perform Google searches using different browsers.


  • Python 3.x
  • selenium and webdriver-manager libraries

Install the required libraries using:

pip install selenium webdriver-manager 



Runs the search script using Google Chrome. Run the script with:

python chrome/search_chrome.py "<search_query>" 


Runs the search script using Mozilla Firefox. Run the script with:

python firefox/search_firefox.py "<search_query>" 


Runs the search script using Microsoft Edge. Run the script with:

python edge/search_edge.py "<search_query>" 


Logs are saved in search_script.log.