Package CKEditor

A fuelPHP drop-in package for CKEditor.


  1. Download CKEditor here.
  2. Copy the ckeditor folder from the download archive into your public javascript folder.
  3. Download the FuelPHP CKEditor package here.
  4. Drop the CKEDitor fuel package into fuel/packages.
  5. Open up fuel/packages/ckeditor/config/config.php in your favorite editor.
  6. Set the basepath option to the web path to your CKEditor javascript. The default path is (public)/assets/js/ckeditor.
  7. Set the toolbar option to your preferred set of editor buttons.
  8. Add any additional editor options.


Load the class:


(Optionally, you can autoload the class. See the FuelPHP documentation for more information)

Render the editor:

echo ckeditor($text_area_name, $default_value, (array) $options, (array) $events);