redux directory structure

This is the one of the coding styles for react redux.


Use the package manager npm to install and start.

npm install

npm start


├── ...
├── state                       # Redux Root Folder 
│   ├── ducks
│       ├── ...
│       ├── channels            # One of the bunches of reducer, action and etc
│           ├── actions.js      # Action 
│           ├── index.js        # Channels index
│           ├── reducers.js     # Reducer
│           ├── types.js        # Type
│           ├── utils.js        # Utils
│       ├── index.js            # Ducks index
│       ├── ...
│   ├── utils
│       ├── createReducer.js
│       ├── fetch.js
│       ├── index.js
│       ├── normalizrMiddleware.js
│       ├── selectors.js
│   ├── schemas.js              # Schemas
│   ├── store.js                # Store
│   └── ...                     # etc.
└── ...

Inside the files


    import { createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers } from "redux";
    import promiseMiddleware from "redux-promise-middleware";
    import normalizrMiddleware from "./utils/normalizrMiddleware";
    import thunkMiddleware from "redux-thunk";
    import * as reducers from "./ducks";
    import { LOG_OUT } from "./ducks/user/types";

    const rootReducer = (state, action) => {
      if (action.type === LOG_OUT) state = undefined;
      return combineReducers(reducers)(state, action);

    const reduxDevTools =
      process.env.NODE_ENV === "development"
        ? window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ &&
        : window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ &&
          window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__(); // before production {}

    export default createStore(
      applyMiddleware(thunkMiddleware, promiseMiddleware(), normalizrMiddleware())


    import { schema } from "normalizr";

    export const specialist = new schema.Entity("specialists");

    export const channel = new schema.Entity("channels", {
      specialists: [specialist]

    export const channels = new schema.Entity(
        processStrategy: entity => {
          return entity;

    export const team = new schema.Entity("teams", {
      channels: [channel]

    export const teams = new schema.Entity("teams", {
      teams: [team]

    export const epic = new schema.Entity("epics");

    export const project = new schema.Entity("projects", {});

    export const task = new schema.Entity("tasks", {});


    export { reducer as form } from "redux-form";

    export { default as user } from "./user";
    export { default as profile } from "./profile";

    export { default as projects } from "./projects";
    export { default as epics } from "./epics";
    export { default as tasks } from "./tasks";

    export { default as teams } from "./teams";
    export { default as channels } from "./channels";

    export { default as specialists } from "./specialists";

    export { default as search } from "./search";

    export { default as skills } from "./skills";
    export { default as experienceLevels } from "./experienceLevels";
    export { default as industriesReducer } from "./industries";
    export { default as projectTypesReducer } from "./projectTypes";

    export { default as modals } from "./modals";
    export { default as sidebar } from "./sidebar";
    export { default as kanban } from "./kanban";

Enjoy!!! 🎇