API Documentation

Vendor Management API



  • GET /api/vendors/: List all vendors.
  • POST /api/vendors/: Create a new vendor.
  • GET /api/vendors/{vendor_id}/: Retrieve details of a specific vendor.
  • PUT /api/vendors/{vendor_id}/: Update details of a specific vendor.
  • DELETE /api/vendors/{vendor_id}/: Delete a specific vendor.
  • GET /api/vendors/{vendor_id}/performance/: Retrieve performance metrics of a specific vendor.

Purchase Orders

  • GET /api/purchase_orders/: List all purchase orders.
  • POST /api/purchase_orders/: Create a new purchase order.
  • GET /api/purchase_orders/{po_id}/: Retrieve details of a specific purchase order.
  • PUT /api/purchase_orders/{po_id}/: Update details of a specific purchase order.
  • DELETE /api/purchase_orders/{po_id}/: Delete a specific purchase order.
  • POST /api/purchase_orders/{po_id}/acknowledge/: Acknowledge a purchase order.

Vendor Endpoints

List all vendors

GET /api/vendors/

Create a new vendor

POST /api/vendors/

Retrieve details of a specific vendor

GET /api/vendors/{vendor_id}/

Update details of a specific vendor

PUT /api/vendors/{vendor_id}/

Delete a specific vendor

DELETE /api/vendors/{vendor_id}/

Retrieve performance metrics of a specific vendor

GET /api/vendors/{vendor_id}/performance/

Purchase Order Endpoints

List all purchase orders

GET /api/purchase_orders/

Create a new purchase order

POST /api/purchase_orders/

Retrieve details of a specific purchase order

GET /api/purchase_orders/{po_id}/

Update details of a specific purchase order

PUT /api/purchase_orders/{po_id}/

Delete a specific purchase order

DELETE /api/purchase_orders/{po_id}/

Acknowledge a purchase order

POST /api/purchase_orders/{po_id}/acknowledge/


  • GET and POST requests for all endpoints are allowed for any user.