
A regular expression engine

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Regular Expression Engine

[ Online Demo ]

A Regular Expression Engine and a Lexer Generator.

This project implements an algebraic approach to compiling regular expressions to deterministic finite state machines. The compiler is based on the notion of 'derivative' of a regular expression. All of the usual boolean algebra operations are supported, including intersection and negation of regular expressions.

The essential paper about on topic can be found here:

New! – Lexer Compiler

Based on the regular expression compiler, there is now also a compiler for rudimentary Lexers, based on some newly developed theory. This implements the theory of a derivative of a lexer specification to produce a DFA in which some of the states have an acceptance-label instead of a boolean acceptance flag.

More information forthcoming!


The core API gives access to implementations of regular expression algebras and coalgebras. This is the internal API that the parser-evaluator calls out to, and it can be used to programmatically create and compile regular expressions.

The main concept is that of a regular expression signature and a regular expression algebra.

This project implements several algebras that implement the regular-expression–signature operations.

  • Shared – A fully–subterm-shared term algebra for regular expression terms.
  • Normalised – An algebra that implements a normalisation of regex terms.
  • Accepts – An algebra that can be used to determine if a regex accepts the empty string.
  • OneLevel – An algebra that uses Accepts and Normalised, so that it can interpret regular expressions as a 'one-level–unfolding' of a DFA. Such a one-level unfolding consists of the normalised term used as an id, an accepts-flag, and a collection of derivatives, that maps characters to the normalised derivatives of the regular expression.
  • Derivs – this can be obtained from OneLevel, by taking the derivs property out of a OneLevel state.

Other data structures:

  • RangeMap – A canonical datastructure for representing discrete functions that map continuous ranges of the domain to a common value in the codomain. This is used for representing Derivs.
  • RangeSet – A RangeMap that maps values to booleans, thus representing sets, and allowing all the boolean operations on them.

The compiler uses OneLevel to compute the one-level unfolding of a regular expression and (because it proceeds algebraically: from the leaves of a term upwards) of all its subterms. It then exhaustively proceeds to unfold any new terms that appear as derivatives. This produces the DFA.

Lexer Compiler
