- 1
#18 opened by DropNumber - 1
a URL, not "an URL"
#17 opened by bagder - 12
Avoid passing a 'mode' to specify behaviour of scheme-less URLs as much as possible
#16 opened by alwinb - 12
- 10
- 3
Investigate explicitly specifying the parser
#4 opened by alwinb - 0
- 0
- 1
theoretical issue with caseless comparissons
#11 opened by zamfofex - 4
are “root” and “file” really necessary?
#1 opened by zamfofex - 0
Use strict resolution for generic URLs
#6 opened by alwinb - 4
path-root can be \
#9 opened by TimothyGu - 1
Grammatical ambiguity for abc:def
#8 opened by TimothyGu - 1
Mismatched parentheses in forced resolution
#7 opened by TimothyGu - 1
- 5