
Bean validation module for vavr - integrates with any JSR380 provider

Primary LanguageJava

Build Status

Vavr-Beanvalidation 2.0

This module provides support for bean validation 2.0 (JSR380). Can be used with any service provider of the bean validation spec e.g. org.hibernate.validator:hibernate-validator

Added validations:

  • @Size for vavr's Traversable<T>
  • @NotEmpty for vavr's Value<T>
  • All available validations can be applied to nested Tuple Values. see example below

Using the module

Add the dependency to your classpath. For maven:


For the bean validation service provider to pick it up the constraints must be registered. Add the following to your validation.xml:


Or register via java config of your validation provider. See javax.validation.Configuration#addMapping.

Since it would be very tedious to register all the ValueExtractors for the tuple elements by yourself, configuration is automatically done for you via Java service loader. The definition in META-INF/services is picked up by the validation service provider.

Now JSR 380 validations will work on vavr types. e.g.

public class TestBean {

    @Size(min = 1, max = 2)
    private Seq<Integer> seqWithOneOrTwoElems = List.of(0);

    private Either<String, Integer> mustNotBeLeftOrNull = Either.right(42);
    private Tuple3<@NotBlank String, @NotBlank String, @NotNull Integer> allElementsMustBeProvided = Tuple.of("a", "x", 3);

    // getters and setters