
This Telegram bot will download .torrent files sent to it and add them to a specific directory for the torrent client to auto download

Primary LanguagePython


This Telegram bot will download .torrent files sent to it and add them to a specific directory for the torrent client to auto download

  • this is a module from another-bigger bot frankenstined to work as a standalone telegram bot. for any problem, please open an issue.

installation instructions:

install python on your computer

install the the "telepot" library

Create a telegram bot using botfather

  • place the bot token (recieved from botfather) in the settings.json file at the designated location
  • place your chat id in the settings.json file at the designated location -- (get chat id)[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32423837/telegram-bot-how-to-get-a-group-chat-id] -- this is for making the bot respond only to you (the response by Yigit Yuksel seems the easiest... there are also bots on thelgram that can do this... search for "@iDCHATBOT" or "@chatid_echo_bot"....)
  • Place the new torrents folder path in the "torrents_path" field at the TorrentBot.py file.

run this script at startup (for linux users -run this as a serive) for windows users, run TorrentBot.py using "task scheduler" using pythonw.exe instead of python.exe (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9705982/pythonw-exe-or-python-exe)

creating a task using task scheduler

  • I take no responsibilty on any damage caused to you by using this code.