
🔥 A schematic that adds Tailwind CSS to Angular applications

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular Tailwind CSS Schematics

This schematic will add Tailwind CSS to your Angular application.

Angular Tailwind CSS Schematics


@ngneat/tailwind AngularCLI
v6.x.x >= v11.1.x
v5.2.4 < v11.1.x

The main difference is Angular CLI v11.1+ uses PostCSS 8 already so we remove that from our dependencies list. To use this schematics at specific version, please use this syntax: ng add @ngneat/tailwind@5.2.4 or npm i -D @ngneat/tailwind@5.2.4


ng add @ngneat/tailwind

Usage with Nx

In Nx, you can either use AngularCLI or NxCLI. If you setup your Nx Workspace to use AngularCLI, the usage is the same as above. If you setup your Nx Workspace with NxCLI, follow the steps:

Install @ngneat/tailwind first:

npm i -D @ngneat/tailwind
yarn add -D @ngneat/tailwind

then execute the schematics:

nx generate @ngneat/tailwind:nx-setup

Manual steps

If your projects are already using a custom Webpack builder with a custom webpack.config, follow these steps to add TailwindCSS to your project

  • npm i -D @ngneat/tailwind postcss (or yarn add -D @ngneat/tailwind postcss)
  • Import patchPostCSS from @ngneat/tailwind in your webpack.config
  • Import your TailwindCSS config in your webpack.config
  • Before you return or modify the original Webpack config, call patchPostCSS with the following parameters:
    • webpackConfig: the Webpack config
    • tailwindConfig: the TailwindCSS config that you import
    • components?: this flag will enable using TailwindCSS directives in components' stylesheets. Default to false because turning it on might impact your build time
// example
const { patchPostCSS } = require('@ngneat/tailwind');
const tailwindConfig = require('relative/path/to/tailwind.config');

module.exports = (config) => {
  patchPostCSS(config, tailwindConfig, true);
  return config;

Angular Material

If you plan to use @ngneat/tailwind with @angular/material, please make sure that you setup @angular/material before @ngneat/tailwind because @angular/material:ng-add schematics will error out if it detects a custom Webpack in your angular.json.


@ngneat/tailwind uses built-in purge functionality by tailwindcss (under the hood, it is postcss-purgecss). By default, @ngneat/tailwind sets the content to any HTML and any TS files in the project.

This behavior can be modified as the consumers see fit.

CSS Preprocessors

If you're using CSS Preprocessors (SASS/SCSS, LESS, Stylus) in your application, please check out TailwindCSS's Using with Preprocessors guide


  • Fork this repo and clone the fork on your machine.
  • Run npm install to install all the dependencies
  • Start working on changes


 |__tailwind-e2e (e2e tests)
          |__ng-add (AngularCLI schematics)
          |__nx-setup (NxCLI schematics)
          |__files (files template to be generated)
          |__specs (unit tests)
          |__schema.d.ts (interface)
       |__constants (constants used in the project)
       |__utils (utilities functions)
       |__collection.json (schematics configuration)
       |__package.json (package.json of @ngneat/tailwind which will be published to npm)


  • Run git add . to stage your changes
  • Run npm run commit to start Conventional Commit flow

Commit Hooks

pre-commit will execute npm run lint and pretty-quick to lint and reformat.pre-commit does not run Unit Tests because Unit Tests will be ran in Github Actions. Feel free to run the Unit Tests with npm run test to test your changes

E2E Tests

Please run npm run e2e to run E2E tests before pushing

Updating README

README is in two places at the moment: root and libs/tailwind/README.md. The one in root is the one displayed on Github while the one in libs/tailwind is being used on npm. When you make changes to README, make sure to update both.

A script can be created to automating this.


When everything passes and looks good, make a PR. Thanks for your contribution.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Chau Tran

💬 💻 📖 🤔 👀

Netanel Basal

💻 🤔

Santosh Yadav

🤔 🧑‍🏫


💻 🤔


🤔 🧑‍🏫 💻

Vlad Tansky


Abhinav Dinesh C


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!