
Angular application with loadable modules (lazy loading).

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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Angular application with loadable modules (lazy loading).


Typically, an Angular application for a corporate client is created as a monolith. That is one big application. Over time, the functionality of such an application increases. Moreover, the customer often sets a tight deadline for development. As a result, the Angular application is huge. An attempt to split such an application into separate modules fails. This is because the modules are tightly coupled to each other. For the same reason, this application becomes difficult to maintain - a lot of time wasted.

The way out of this situation is to create an application on a modular basis. That is, the functionality of the main menu is placed in separate independent modules. And these modules should be lazy loaded. And when the application starts, only the required module will be loaded. Loading time is reduced and does not depend on the total number of modules. If the user goes to the next item of the global menu, then the next module will be lazy loaded, and so on. Reducing the load time of the Angular application increases the number of processed requests per unit of time. This is especially important when scaling our server in the cloud.

If you already have a large monolithic application on Angular and the task is to improve it, you can organize it as an application with one loadable module. And start separating separate independent modules from it. A module with a separate functionality will be called a domain module. And these domain modules must be loadable modules (lm - loadable modules).

Let's create the main application.

Create a directory for the project go to it:

$ mkdir /home/alexey/ws_ts3/crm-simple4/ && cd /home/alexey/ws_ts3/crm-simple4/

Install locally required version of @angular/cli (Angular 10 version was used):

$ npm install @angular/cli@10

You can install the latest version locally:

$ npm install @angular/cli@latest

As a result, a new subdirectory node_modules appears in the current directory, which contains the required version of @angular/cli.

Create workspace and main application crm-simple:

$ npx ng new crm-simple --directory=. --routing=true --style=scss
  • ng new crm-simple - create a new application
  • --directory=. - in the current directory
  • --routing=true - generate module routing
  • --style=scss - use preprocessor 'scss'

Add Angular Material to the project.

The Angular Material library contains many useful components that will help us create a robust and beautiful application. A description of this library can be found on the website https://material.angular.io/.

Let's add the Angular Material version 10 library to the project, since Angular version 10 was installed.

$ npx ng add @angular/material@10

During installation, you need to specify a theme (for example 'Indigo / Pink'). Since all components of this library support the skin (one of the pre-installed or custom). Therefore, you need to specify a default theme.

And agree to install the animation library. It will provide smooth animation of work of standard components of the Angular Material library (such as: buttons, radio buttons, and so on). The spinner component will not work correctly without animation.

We specify the default answer for the rest of the parameters.

Since this library has its own set of styles, this set is automatically added to the project description file. ./angular.json

"styles": [

The Angular Material library will be required, since it is planned to use the MatTable component to display the table.

Creation of entities of general use.

Для работы приложения нам потребуется декоратор автоматической отписки от subscribe (AutoUnsubscribe). Добавим в приложение новый файл /src/app/_decorators/auto-unsubscribe.ts. Теперь можно указать данный декоратор для компонента и он автоматически выполнит все отписки subscribe.

For the application to work, we need the subscribe (AutoUnsubscribe) auto-unsubscribe decorator. Add a new file /src/app/_decorators/auto-unsubscribe.ts to the application. Now you can specify this decorator for the component and it will automatically complete all subscribe unsubscribes.

Creating a service to store the user profile.

To continue, go to the directory:

$ cd /home/alexey/ws_ts3/crm-simple4/

When loading the application, we get the user profile, which contains an array with permissions. According to the array of permissions, we determine which routes are available to the current user. For example, if the array of permissions has the value lm-client, then the user has access to the global menu Clients and the domain module lm-client can be loaded. Otherwise, if there is no lm-client value in the permissions array, then the user cannot load the lm-client domain module and he will not have the Clients global menu item.

Let's create a user profile interface.

$ npx ng generate interface _interfaces/profileDto interface

Let's create a service to store the user profile.

$ npx ng generate service _services/profile

Let's specify this service profile in the list of providers in the main module /app/app.module.ts. In other modules, the profile service cannot be specified in the list of providers, otherwise a new instance of this service will be created. Since we plan to receive user profile data from domain modules, there should be only one instance of the profile service.

Create a guard to check route permissions.

Let's add a guard class to the main application. This class solves the following tasks:

  • get a list of required permissions from the parameters of the route Route.data.permissions;
  • get a list of available permissions from the profile of the current user;
  • give permission if the user has all the required permissions;

Let's create a guard and indicate the signs of creating two interfaces:

  • CanActivate interface - route activation;
  • interface CanLoad - loading a route with "lazy loading";
$ npx ng generate guard _guards/permissions --implements CanActivate --implements CanLoad

Creating a domain module lm-client for working with clients.

To continue, go to the directory:

$ cd /home/alexey/ws_ts3/crm-simple4/

The lm (loadable modules) prefix denotes that this is a lazy-loaded domain module.

Let's add a domain module for working with clients to our application.

$ npx ng generate module lm-client --routing=true --route=lm-client --module=app-routing.module
  • --routing=true - generate module routing.

  • --route=lm-client - the name of the route for the lazy load module. Creates a component in a new module and adds a route to that component in the Routes specified in the module's --module option.

  • --module=app-routing.module - a module in the Routes array which adds a route to a new component.

As a result, the lm-client module and component will be created in the /app directory. In the parent module app-routing.module, the lm-client module is specified with lazy loading. The domain module will use constants, create a file /_consts/lm-client.consts.ts for them.

Let's create components for displaying a list of customers. Each component has its own module, which describes in the import list all third-party modules required for work. The presence of a module in a component makes it self-sufficient and ready to use.

Creating an interceptor for clients of the lm-client module.

We do not have a BackEnd and for the server response we use an interceptor that simulates the operation of the API server. Let's create a file containing the logic for working with customer data.

Creating an interceptor for customer service requests /app/_interceptors/mock-client.interceptor.ts.

$ npx ng generate interceptor _interceptors/mock-client

Add this interceptor to the list of providers in the main application module /src/app/app.module.ts

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
import { HttpClientModule, HTTP_INTERCEPTORS } from '@angular/common/http';

import { environment } from '../environments/environment';

import { Tracing } from './_consts/app.consts';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { MockClientInterceptor } from './_interceptors/mock-client.interceptor';

const provideMock = [
  { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: MockClientInterceptor, multi: true }

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    BrowserModule, // ** Must be loaded first **
  providers: [
    ...(!environment.production ? provideMock : [])
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
  constructor() {

Creating a client service for the lm-client module.

To continue, go to the directory:

$ cd /home/alexey/ws_ts3/crm-simple4/src/app/lm-client/

Let's create an interface that describes the client's properties.

$ npx ng generate interface _interfaces/clientDto interface

Let's create a service for working with customer data.

$ npx ng generate service /_services/client-api

This service requires an object of the HttpClient class, which is contained in the HttpClientModule module. Since services will be created in other domain modules as well, we will move the description of importing the HttpClientModule module into the main application module /src/app/app.module.ts.

Creation of data display components for the lm-client module.

Let's create a module and a component for the customer list.

$ npx ng generate module client-list
$ npx ng generate component client-list --export=true

Let's create a module and a c-l-header header component for the client list.

$ npx ng generate module /client-list/c-l-header
$ npx ng generate component /client-list/c-l-header --export=true

Let's create a module and a c-l-middle component for the middle part for the customer list.

$ npx ng generate module /client-list/c-l-middle
$ npx ng generate component /client-list/c-l-middle --export=true

Let's create a service Resolve to get data from a list of clients.

$ npx ng generate service /client-list/_resolvers/client-list-resolver

Let's create a module and a component for client properties.

$ npx ng generate module client-view
$ npx ng generate component client-view --export=true

Let's create a module and a c-v-header header component for client properties.

$ npx ng generate module /client-view/c-v-header
$ npx ng generate component /client-view/c-v-header --export=true

Let's create a module and a c-v-middle middle part for client properties.

$ npx ng generate module /client-view/c-v-middle
$ npx ng generate component /client-view/c-v-middle --export=true

Let's create a service Resolve to get data from a list of clients.

$ npx ng generate service /client-view/_resolvers/client-view-resolver

Creating routes for the lm-client module.

In the domain module lm-client, we will describe two routes for working with clients:

  • / list display the list of clients;

  • / view /: clientId displays properties of the selected client;

Let's create a file /app/lm-client/lm-client-routing.module.ts with a description of these routes. We will also indicate the section for receiving data Resolve for each route.

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router';

import { LmClientComponent } from './lm-client.component';
import { ClientListComponent } from './client-list/client-list.component';
import { ClientViewComponent } from './client-view/client-view.component';
import { ClientListResolverService } from './client-list/_resolvers/client-list-resolver.service';
import { ClientViewResolverService } from './client-view/_resolvers/client-view-resolver.service';

const itemRoutes: Routes = [
    path: 'list',
    component: ClientListComponent,
    resolve: {
      clientList: ClientListResolverService
    path: 'view/:clientId',
    component: ClientViewComponent,
    resolve: {
      client: ClientViewResolverService
    path: '**',
    redirectTo: 'list'

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: '', component: LmClientComponent, children: itemRoutes }

  imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)],
  exports: [RouterModule],
  providers: [
export class LmClientRoutingModule { }

Creating a domain module lm-task for working with tasks.

To continue, go to the directory:

$ cd /home/alexey/ws_ts3/crm-simple4/

Let's add a domain module for working with clients to our application.

$ npx ng generate module lm-task --routing=true --route=lm-task --module=app-routing.module
  • --routing = true - generate the routing module.

  • --route = lm-task - name of the route for the lazy load module. Creates a component in a new module and adds a route to that component in the Routes specified in the module's --module option.

  • --module = app-routing.module - a module in the Routes array which adds a route to a new component.

As a result, the lm-task module and component will be created in the /app directory. In the parent module app-routing.module, the lm-task module is specified with lazy loading. For constants, create a file /_consts/lm-task.consts.ts.

Creation of an interceptor for tasks of the lm-task module.

We do not have a BackEnd and for the server response we use an interceptor that simulates the operation of the API server. Let's create a file containing the logic for working with task data.

Creating an interceptor for requests for working with tasks /app/_interceptors/mock-task.interceptor.ts.

$ npx ng generate interceptor _interceptors/mock-task

Add this interceptor to the list of providers in the main application module /src/app/app.module.ts

const provideMock = [
  { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: MockClientInterceptor, multi: true },
  { provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass: MockTaskInterceptor, multi: true }

Creating a service by tasks for the lm-task module.

To continue, go to the directory:

$ cd /home/alexey/ws_ts3/crm-simple4/src/app/lm-task/

Let's create an interface that describes the properties of tasks.

$ npx ng generate interface _interfaces/taskDto interface

Let's create a service for working with task data.

$ npx ng generate service /_services/task-api

Creating a data display component for the lm-task module.

Let's create a module and a component for the task list.

$ npx ng generate module task-list
$ npx ng generate component task-list --export=true

Let's create a module and a t-l-header header component for the task list.

$ npx ng generate module /task-list/t-l-header
$ npx ng generate component /task-list/t-l-header --export=true

Let's create a module and a t-l-middle component for the middle part for the task list.

$ npx ng generate module /task-list/t-l-middle
$ npx ng generate component /task-list/t-l-middle --export=true

Let's create a Resolve service to receive data from the list of tasks.

$ npx ng generate service /task-list/_resolvers/task-list-resolver

Let's create a module and a component for task properties.

$ npx ng generate module task-view
$ npx ng generate component task-view --export=true

Let's create a module and a t-v-header header component for the task properties.

$ npx ng generate module /task-view/t-v-header
$ npx ng generate component /task-view/t-v-header --export=true

Let's create a module and a t-v-middle component for the task properties.

$ npx ng generate module /task-view/t-v-middle
$ npx ng generate component /task-view/t-v-middle --export=true

Let's create a Resolve service to receive data from the list of tasks.

$ npx ng generate service /task-view/_resolvers/task-view-resolver

Let's start and check the performance of the entire application with the command:

$ npx ng serve --port 4250

And in the browser, check the link: http://localhost:4250/lm-client/list

The source code can be downloaded from [github-crm-simple4] (https://github.com/alx-melnichuk/crm-simple4). (Run npm install before starting the application.)

You can launch the project on the StackBlitz website by following the link https://stackblitz.com/github/alx-melnichuk/crm-simple4.