
Generating efficient mutation operators for search-based model-driven engineering

Primary LanguageJava


Generating efficient mutation operators for search-based model-driven engineering.


This repository contains three projects:

  • de.uni_ko.fitnessstudio, a framework for generating efficient mutation operators
  • de.uni_ko.fitnessstudio.instance.cra, an instance for applying this framework to the CRA case
  • de.uni_ko.fitnessstudio.instance.cra.eval, evaluation data obtained from the CRA instance



  • We recommend using Eclipse Neon, Modeling Tools distribution, with an installed nightly build of Henshin.
  • Import the contents of this repository to your local Eclipse workspace.
  • Copy the cra.ttc16_1.0.0.jar file from de.uni_ko.fitnessstudio.instance.cra/lib to the drop-in folder of your Eclipse installation and restart Eclipse. This file contains an Eclipse plug-in with generated code for the CRA meta-model.

Generate mutation operators (CRA instance)

  • Execute the provided runner class de.uni_ko.fitnessstudio.instance.cra.runners.UpperTierRunner to generate mutation operators for the CRA instance. The generation has a couple of configuration options, as can all be set directly in the class.
  • After starting the runner class, you should see console output informing you about the generation process.
  • The results of the generation process (.henshin files and logs) will be stored to the directory output_rules within the project -- in doubt, please refresh the package explorer using F5.

Generate solutions using a generated mutation operator (CRA instance)

  • The solution generation will take the .henshin module used for mutation from the directory de.uni_ko.fitnessstudio.instance.cra/transformation/fixed. Per default, this directory contains the mutation operator generated during our initial experiments. To use an alternative module, place it in the fixed directory and make sure it's the only .henshin file in this directory.
  • Execute the provided runner class de.uni_ko.fitnessstudio.instance.cra.runners.LowerTierRunnerWithFixed to generate solutions based on the provided mutation operator. Again, a couple of configuration options are available.
  • After starting the runner class, you should see console output informing you about the generation process.
  • The results of the generation process will be stored to the directory output_models within the project -- in doubt, please refresh the package explorer using F5.

Developing a new instance of the framework

  • Copy the de.uni_ko.fitnessstudio.instance.cra project and customize the included components for your needs.