
A(n almost) complete atlas of contemporary Zero-Knowledge Proof technologies

A(n almost) complete atlas of Zero-Knowledge Proof technologies

Most of the blocks are clickable!

%% This is a comment! TD means "Top-Down"
graph TD
%% No need to "define" a new block in a special way, the first mention is the definition.
%% The connection length is determined by the number of dashes, but the minimum is three ---.
%% If you need to skip a level, use more than three dashes.
    Rust --- Bellman
    Rust --- arkworks
    Rust --- Halo2
    Halo2 ---- UltraPLONK
    arkworks ---- Groth16
    R1CS --- PLONK
    ACIR --- PLONK
    Bellman ---- PLONK
    Lurk ----- Nova
    Lurk ----- SnarkPack[SnarkPack+]
    TypeScript --- SnarkyJS
    Lurk ----- Groth16
    snarkjs ---- Groth16
    snarkjs ---- PLONK
    gnark ---- Groth16
    R1CS --- Groth16
    gnark ---- PLONK
    arkworks --- R1CS
    SnarkyJS ---- PLONK
    Circom --- snarkjs
    Go --- gnark
    arkworks ---- Marlin
    arkworks ---- ripp
    arkworks ---- gm17
    arkworks ---- gemini
    ripp --- QAP
    gm17 --- QAP
    gemini --- QAP
    Groth16 --- QAP
    Nova --- QAP
    Noir ---- ACIR
    SnarkPack --- QAP
    Marlin --- QAP
    Leo ---- R1CS
    ZoKrates ---- R1CS
    snarkjs --- R1CS
    Circom ---- R1CS
    gnark --- R1CS
    PLONK --- QAP
    UltraPLONK ---- zkSNARK
    ACIR --- Marlin
    ACIR --- Groth16
    QAP --- zkSNARK
    Cairo ---- RAP
    RAP ----- zkSTARK
    %% Visual style definition. Color here refers to text color.
    %% If you want to modify a style, please modify the corresponding style of the legend below.
    classDef framework fill:#f94144,color:#fff
    classDef lang fill:#277da1,color:#fff
    classDef compiler fill:#f8961e,color:#000
    classDef intermediate fill:#f9844a,color:#000
    classDef lib fill:#f9c74f,color:#000
    classDef provingSystem fill:#90be6d,color:#000
    classDef algForm fill:#43aa8b,color:#000
    classDef tech fill:#4d908e,color:#fff
    classDef color9 fill:#f3722c,color:#000
    classDef color10 fill:#577590,color:#000
    %% These are class assignments. There should be no spaces around commas.
    class SnarkyJS framework
    class Circom,ZoKrates,Leo,Noir,Cairo,Lurk,Rust,TypeScript,Go lang
    class R1CS,ACIR,RAP intermediate
    class snarkjs,Bellman,Halo2,arkworks,gnark lib
    class Groth16,PLONK,Marlin,SnarkPack,Nova,UltraPLONK,gm17,gemini,ripp provingSystem
    class QAP algForm
    class zkSNARK,zkSTARK tech
    %% These are onclicks. Docs say you can even use an arbitrary JS callback.
    click Circom href "https://docs.circom.io/"
    click ZoKrates href "https://zokrates.github.io/"
    click Leo href "https://leo-lang.org/"
    click Noir href "https://docs.aztec.network/developers/noir"
    click snarkjs href "https://github.com/iden3/snarkjs"
    click Cairo href "https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/1063.pdf"
    click RAP href "https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/1063.pdf"
    click Lurk href "https://github.com/lurk-lang"
    click SnarkPack href "https://research.protocol.ai/blog/2021/snarkpack-how-to-aggregate-snarks-efficiently/"
    click Nova href "https://github.com/microsoft/Nova"
    click Bellman href "https://github.com/matter-labs/bellman"
    click Rust href "https://www.rust-lang.org/"
    click SnarkyJS href "https://github.com/o1-labs/snarkyjs"
    click TypeScript href "https://www.typescriptlang.org/"
    click ACIR href "https://noir-lang.github.io/book/acir.html"
    click PLONK href "https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/953.pdf"
    click Groth16 href "https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/260.pdf"
    click Marlin href "https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/1047.pdf"
    click zkSTARK href "https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/046.pdf"
    click Halo2 href "https://zcash.github.io/halo2/index.html"
    click arkworks href "https://github.com/arkworks-rs/"
    click gm17 href "https://github.com/arkworks-rs/gm17"
    click gemini href "https://github.com/arkworks-rs/gemini"
    click ripp href "https://github.com/arkworks-rs/ripp"
    click Go href "https://go.dev/"
    click gnark href "https://docs.gnark.consensys.net/en/latest/"
%% This legend graph is separate because I couldn't find a way to force the subgrapg to be rendered within the main graph in the same position
graph LR
    subgraph Legend
        direction LR
        Lang([Language])---Framework([Framework])---Compiler([Compiler])---Intermediate([Intermediate Format])---Library([Library])---ProvingSystem([Proving System])---AlgebraicForm([Algebraic Form])---Tech([Technology])
    %% This styling makes the connections invisible
    linkStyle default stroke-width:0px;
    classDef framework fill:#f94144,color:#fff
    classDef lang fill:#277da1,color:#fff
    classDef compiler fill:#f8961e,color:#000
    classDef intermediate fill:#f9844a,color:#000
    classDef lib fill:#f9c74f,color:#000
    classDef provingSystem fill:#90be6d,color:#000
    classDef algForm fill:#43aa8b,color:#000
    classDef tech fill:#4d908e,color:#fff
    classDef color9 fill:#f3722c,color:#000
    classDef color10 fill:#577590,color:#000
    class Framework framework
    class Lang lang
    class Compiler compiler
    class Intermediate intermediate
    class Library lib
    class ProvingSystem provingSystem
    class AlgebraicForm algForm
    class Tech tech

Inspired by https://harryr.github.io/zklangs/. This diagram uses Mermaid syntax. Its learning curve is relatively shallow, so the comments inside this file would probably be enough for you to start contributing.