SMStudents: System to Manage Students

A. Project Overview & Requirements

You are modeling a system to manage students that will be used by high schools, elementary schools, kindergardens, etc.

Your task is to create the business objects to manage the students in the system:

  • Store the students in the system
  • Create new students
  • Delete a specific student
  • Search for students in ways that make sense for the clients
    • By name, sorted alphabetically
    • By student type (kinder, elementary, high, university) sorting by date, most recent to least recent.
    • By gender and type (female elementary) sorting by date, most recent to least recent.

B. Tools

  • Java 1.8
  • JUnit 5
  • Eclipse

C. Ways to run this code

Note.- StudentSolution has main() method.

1. Eclipse: Create different run configurations

Search Students by name

Search Students by name

Search Students by type

Search Students by type

Search Students by type and gender

Search Students by type and gender

2. Manual: Menu's options

1. Load students from a CSV file
2. List all students registered alphabetically
3. Create a new student
4. Delete a student by name
5. Search students by name
6. Search students by type
7. Search students by gender and type
8. Exit

D. Testing: JUnit Test Cases

Note.- For tests, I'm using this file inputTest.csv

  • Case 001: Store students from file (inputTest.csv)
  • Case 002: Create a new student
  • Case 003: Delete an existent student
  • Case 004: Delete an not existent student
  • Case 005: Search students by name
  • Case 006: Search students by type
  • Case 007: Search students by gender and type

Testing: JUnit Test Cases