
[Feat] Update README/docs with local setup gotchas

Shuunen opened this issue · 1 comments


In order to build vuegg I had to install libcurl-dev (I choose libcurl4-openssl-dev because libcurl-dev is a virtual package) and also libssl-dev

I'm on Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia and I got these issues :

So IMHO these 2 packages should be mentioned as requirements in the readme 😃

VueGG is working great now 👍

Hi @Shuunen

Thanks for taking the time to point this out, although this seems to be more of a problem with nodegit rather than vuegg.

I may add a link to #17 under the local setup section, with any other known dependencies issues that may be raised.

Please feel free to edit the README/documentation (and open PR) to include this is you have some time.