Freebie Tracker Network is currently a work-in-progress. It began as as basic Rails app partner project with @francisrocco during our Flatiron Web Development Immersive class. Now that the class is over, I've been building it out independently.
*Bug log: Inconsistencies in Capybara and Selenium tests. (Fixed as of 11/6)
Log-in credentials:
Business user email:, password: 1234; Regular user email:, password: 1234
Ruby version 2.3.1
Rails version 5.0
PostgreSQL database
Bootstrap.css front-end
Current gems: bcrypt, pry, paperclip, rspec-rails, bootstrap-sass, sass-rails, pg, chartjs-ror, capybara, selenium web-driver, database-cleaner
Access the deployed app:
OR to access locally.....
- To create the database: $ rake db:migrate
- To seed the database: $ rake db:seed
- Runs on localhost:3000
- Rspec testing: $ rspec
- Capybara and Selenium testing: need to seed test database $ rake RAILS_ENV=test db:seed
Work completed so far:
- Created database schemas for users (regular and business), brands, items, and join tables (users and items)
- Created models with Active Record relationships and methods
- Created Sessions Controller: users can create accounts and sign in/out
- Created seed file
- Created Rspec tests for models and session controller
- Created Capybara and Selenium tests for integration
- Edit view pages for users, items, businesses with Bootstrap and Materialize
- Deployed to Heroku
- Provide data visualization with Chart.js
Work to be done:
- AJAXify pages where users can add and edit items
- Enable users to map out walking/driving route by integrating Google Maps API (requires new class for Location)
- Wish List and Got It Lists