Leading scientists have proven, via science, that learning your coworkers names while starting a new job is useful. Your test project is to make it happen! We have a simple version hosted at namegame.willowtreemobile.com which you can test. The api is located at http://api.namegame.willowtreemobile.com/.
Present the user with five faces and ask them to identify the listed name. This is essentially what is working already. To spruce things up, implement a few features of your choice.
- Stat tracking. How many correct / incorrect attempts did the user make? How long does it take on average for a person to identify the subject?
- Reverse mode, Show five names with one picture.
- Keyboard shortcuts. Power users love keyboard shortcuts, maybe add numbers for faces for mouse free fun. Bonus points for Vim shortcuts. Negative points for Emacs**.
- Local Scoring. The server might not accept scores, but you can always track it locally. Make metrics of your own and have a leader board!
- Mat(t) Mode. Roughly 90% of our co-workers are named Mat(t), so add a challenge mode where you only present the users with A Mat(t).
- Hint mode. As people wait, faces disappear until only the correct one is left.
- Insert your own idea here!
Feel like taking the path less trodden? Do you know a better way to learn faces than to present five options and a name? Come up with your own memory game!
We have provided you with a few files to get you started. Feel free to discard everything and start from scratch. You may use any framework or library you like.
If you need a simple http server, we recommend http-server.
** The Web Apps Team Lead uses Emacs. So, like, use your own discretion here.