JS Test Driven Task List


Create an object oriented task list. You're going to need to build a basic all front end app. There will be no persistence. However, you will need two models, one for List(s) and Task(s).

These models will:

  • need autoincrementing IDs as well as some "class" methods.
  • talk to their matching controllers, ListController and TaskController.
  • will use their "ids" to set data properties, id properties, and value properties.

The controllers will:

  • interact with the DOM (think jQuery controllers that make instances to help the views).
  • be adding the elements themselves to the DOM instead of the views.
  • need to call the model's build method, which returns a string of html.

Underscore and jQuery are loaded for you.


  • The List constructor keep track of instances with the an all property
    • The list instance will get an id from the length of the all array
  • List instances keeps track of their own task instances with the tasks property
    • Tasks are assigned an id from their position in the tasks array
  • Model instances are responsible for creating the strings that get converted to HTML elements
  • Model instances are responsible for appending said HTML elements to the DOM via the model's instance method build
  • The controllers are responsible for creating new instances of their corresponding models from form inputs
  • The controllers are responsible for triggering those instances to append themselves to the DOM via the model's instance method build
  • The controller is responsible for deleting instances elements from the DOM
    • Tasks only need to be deleted from their list
    • When tasks are deleted they are replaced in their list's tasks array with null
    • Lists need to be deleted from div#lists and from select


For comparison here is a live example of the finished app linked here.


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