
Simple mpc solvers for robots

Primary LanguagePython

Robot mpcs

Install forces pro

You have to request a license for forcespro and install it according to their documentation. The location of the python package forcespro must also be included in your python path.

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/path/to/forces/pro"

Consider adding it to your .bashrc (.zshrc) file

Install using poetry

Then you can install this package using poetry within a virtual environment.

poetry install -E agents
poetry shell

Now you are in the virtual environment with everything installed.

Install globally using pip

pip3 install .

If you want to test the mpc solvers you need to install additional dependencies.

pip3 install '.[agents]'


cd examples
python3 makeSolver.py
python3 mpcPlanner.py <path/to/config/file>

This is a minimal example using a point robot.