
Build Manjaro Linux dev environment with i3wm, dev tools, messengers etc.

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Manjaro Linux system preparation



The goal of these Ansible playbooks is to build development environment from Manjaro XFCE Minimal Linux distributive on my laptop MSI GE-70 2PC.


  • Installed Manjaro Linux XFCE

  • Configured internet connection

  • User with sudo access

  • Pre-configured Ansible inventory hosts.yml file

Install development environment with Ansible

Bootstrap script

Use bootstrap.sh to prepare local ansible environment.

The bootstrap script will perform the following steps:

  • Enable SSH service

  • Install latest updates

  • Install git, ansible, ansible-lint, yamllint, vim and yay (AUR package manager)

  • Creates directory ~/projects and clone this repo as ~/projects/manjaro-sysprep

  • Change current directory to ~/projects/manjaro-sysprep

  • Execute init make target

Execute bootstrap script:

source <(wget -O- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alxzoomer/manjaro-sysprep/master/bootstrap.sh)

Create hosts.yml

Create hosts.yml file from hosts-example.yml:

cp hosts-example.yml hosts.yml

Edit the hosts.yml and update the following options:

  • ansible_user - set user name that will be main user in the system.

  • shadowsocks_config settings if you want to configure shadowsocks socks 5 local proxy.

  • tigervnc_vncpass - access password for TigerVNC service

  • i3lock_image_size - to have correct walpaper and lock screen image size

  • i3_swap_l_alt_l_super - set true if left Alt must be swapped with Win key. For my laptop it is preferred option because Win button placed right after Space button.

  • i3wm_bar - set to polybar to have polybar bars instead of i3status. See more options inside playbooks/roles/i3wm/defaults/main.yml and Polybar wiki for modules configuration (at least battery, network).

Run playbook

To show makefile help with all possible options run command:

make help

Run all target will execute most important playbooks:

make all

OS X specific

Installing sshpass with brew

sshpass used to run Ansible playbook deploy-ssh-keys. Use unofficial brew package:

brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kadwanev/bigboybrew/master/Library/Formula/sshpass.rb