
"LeetCode" by alyQamar, contains solutions to various problems from Leet Code, a popular platform for practicing and improving coding skills. The solutions are implemented in cpp , JS and are accompanied by detailed explanations and comments. The repository also includes a variety of problem types, such as data structures, algorith

Primary LanguageC++

LeetCode Solutions

Welcome to my LeetCode repository! This repository contains my solutions to various problems on LeetCode.com, a popular platform for preparing for technical interviews.

Repository Structure

The solutions are organized by problem number and name on leetCode. Each problem has its own directory, containing the following files:

  • problem.md: A markdown file describing the problem and its constraints.
  • solution.cpp: A cpp or another language file containing my solution to the problem.
  • NOTES.md: A markdown file contain problem notes if it exists.

How to Use

You can use this repository as a resource to study for your own technical interviews, or as a way to practice and improve your problem-solving skills.

To use this repository, simply navigate to the problem you're interested in and read through the problem.md file to understand the problem statement. Then, take a look at the solution.cpp file to see my implementation of the solution.

If you want to test the solution for yourself, you can copy the code from solution.cpp and run it in your local cpp environment.


I welcome contributions to this repository, whether in the form of new solutions, bug fixes, or improvements to existing solutions. If you would like to contribute, please create a pull request and I will review it as soon as possible.

Thank you for visiting my LeetCode repository! I hope you find it useful in your own journey to ace your technical interviews.