
MEAN stack app, DailyMumm is an Application to collect food orders from colleges in one place

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The Idea: I found that we need some sort of solution for the daily orders of food all over the company, and for sure after we are in separate buildings it’s very difficult to order food with our friends, then I decided to start a new web application to solve this issue by sending a mail to all the subscribed people in the application when someone shout “I’ll make an order from Majesty” for example if they are interested in the same restaurant or not they will enter the application and add their orders and submit it, in the end the shouter will sort the orders and print them, give this printed order to any office body to order them or order it him/her self, then when the order arrive, he will enter the application again and sort orders by person, and send an email with one click to all the people in the same order that the Mumm is here now.

The Technologies: I’ve planned to use the MEAN stack and socket IO to make it real time and as a proof of concept that we are good in these technologies, like:

  • Node.js
  • AngularJS.
  • MongoDB.
  • CSS3.
  • HTML5.
  • Socket IO.
  • Twitter Bootstrap.