
Pet is man's best friend. A variety of species have been adopted as a pet. This also includes fishes. In addition, 14.4% of Malaysian citizens have fish as their pet. As a living thing, pets also need to be fed in order for them to grow and survive. It is a basic necessity of any living thing on this planet. These pet fishes need to be fed once or twice a day, depending on the type of fish. Not to mention, most fishes can only starve for up to 2 or 3 days. They will eventually die if they are not given any food for the subsequent days. Another essential aspect is pet fish can only live inside the aquarium or the container it is being kept in. Hence, it is totally dependent towards its owner for food. The downside of this is it can somehow restrict the movement of the owner. He or she cannot leave the fishes for more than three days. Otherwise, they will die. Furthermore, these owners can sometimes forget to feed their fishes, or even worse, and they overfed the fish, which can contaminate the water and lead to its death. Simply being said, the conventional way of feeding the fish is very inefficient and tedious. Thus, we have decided to do an Automatic Fish Food Feeder project whose primary purpose is to assist fish pet owners in feeding their pets. Supposedly, this system can provide food for a chosen time interval, whether once, twice, or thrice a day. Moreover, this system should also be able to detect the availability of the food inside the container and alert the user whenever the food has run out. This project is inherent to do the 14th goal of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is Life Below Water.
